Ek Paheli Leela

Movie Info
Ek Paheli Leela is a reincarnation story about the love between Leela and her lover, which is left incomplete as one of them is murdered. The story comes to an end after 300 long years, when Leela has become Meera and her lover's character is also reborn.Wikipedia
Starring Cast
Ek Paheli Leela Reviews
The film’s title is a misnomer. It should have been Many Pahelis Leela, because all through this terrible drag, I kept trying to solve several puzzles with no success, coming up with a big zero in the end.
...regressive, illogical and completely dependent on Sunny Leone. She looks stunning and dances pretty well, but that much was also available on YouTube. Where is the film?
My only humble request is that the next director who gets to sign Ms Leone in a title role and the film is certified A, no time must be wasted in telling a story. All efforts must be devoted to making sure that her orgasmic shenanigans are of the quality and quantity that merit the A certification.
Though there are more flaws in the film’s execution, at the heart of it Leela is a genuinely intriguing, if slightly predictable story and the twist at the end could have been a game changer had it been played out better.Nevertheless, critical analysis is not going to make much of a difference for this film is clearly a one woman show and as far as the film is concerned, it is always Sunny in Rajasthan.
What you choose to focus on - the sexy siren who apes everybody from Zeenat Aman to Aishwarya Rai or the visual compositions that caress the natural beauty of the locales - will determine what impact Ek Paheli Leela will have on you.Feel free to have your pick. But to be honest, spare yourself the trouble. Ek Paheli Leela is simply not worth it.
You might guffaw at a few scenes because the film isn't exactly an epitome of logical thinking. But as an entertainer, it's colourful, crisp and convivial.
If Sunny Leone gets your temperature rising then Leela won't disappoint. Don't have big expectations and you might be pleasantly surprised.
The real 'paheli' of the film's title is not Leela's story. It is why this film was even made. If you're planning to watch the film, and there's only one reason to do so - Sunny Leone - keep an aspirin nearby. You'll need one.
...genuinely an unnecessary film. It offers nothing but Sunny Leone’s sexy shots and I don’t think you need to watch a film for that. Men may enjoy this film for their sensory pleasures since there is much more that meets the eye in this one.
Sunny Leone tries to be earnest but her performance is cringe worthy – they should hand over the Razzie and a Golden Kela to her right away.Leela the mystery is a disappointment, on every count.
So should one watch this almost three-hour long non-mystery? Yes, if you are a Sunny Leone fan. To be fair to her, she looks good in most frames – even when she’s fully clothed. Maybe that was the point of the film – to make the audience take notice of the fact that given a chance, Sunny Leone can play a normal Indian girl too… would somebody give her that chance?
The film is shot on a grand scale but the connecting links to the past 300 years are not that convincing. The story could have been better entwined leaving the viewer in a state of suspense. Unfortunately, Bobby Khan treats the two issues differently and hence loses out on capitalizing on the tantalizing twist in the end.
This is a movie so bad that one is truly curious to understand the 'creative process' that went into bringing it alive. It's a semi-porn rubbish masquerading as an intense romantic story...
It may not be revolutionary in concept or path-breaking in execution. But make no mistake. Ek Paheli Leela is the surprise of the year.
This Sunny Leone starrer is soft porn without any actual porn...From outrageous and caricaturist gay characters to outright gay bashing, Ek Paheli Leela offers the whole platter.
The film is lavishly mounted and Basha Lal’s camerawork captures the sensuality of the earthy Rajasthan canvas just as well as he does Sunny’s curvaceous body. And Leone does the rest. This is not much of a movie but an experience ..of the Sunny Leone kind!
Audience Reviews for Ek Paheli Leela
The only other film I rated a zero this year was Arjun Rampal starrer Roy and I still haven't recovered from the trauma. With Ek Paheli Leela, I am back in the hospital bed.
Let me not start with the story, because if I do that, I may end up dead in the process. Honestly, I wanted to walk out of the movie hall in less than 30 minutes (that is the time I stipulate for a particular movie to decide whether it is watchable or not). Let me tell you what I could gather in those 30 minutes: two item songs, six flesh flashes, and three highly absurd conversations. I did not want to know where the story was going because the development is so dreary. And the trailer had made no sense.
Then you will ask me what was I expecting? Yes, I was expecting all the above factors that would surround a mystery as the title clearly suggests. While there seems to be a foolish paheli hidden in the plot, I really didn't care to know what that is, because of the limpy introduction. And once you understand the paheli, you pull out your dictionary and search for the definition of paheli (mystery).
If you can pass the obnoxious 30 minutes, you may enjoy the rest of the film. At the end, you will be content to have watched the same cleavage in different, colourful blouses and the humanity will liberate. So while there may be a paheli in the story, for me, the real paheli is the existence of people who are raving about the film.
BOTTOM LINE: Be wise and skip it! 0/10 - fail.
Can be watched with a typical Indian family? NO
Vulgarity: Medium4April 11, 15 -
It really is a PAHELI as to how a film such as this got made and how I sat through it for the sake of writing a review.
3April 10, 15