
Movie Info
Highway explores five different relationship stories that become intertwined during an ill-fated bus journey from eastern Nepal to the capital, Kathmandu.Wikipedia
Starring Cast
Highway Reviews
The film - a brave experiment on Ali's part, who uses long stretches of silence, improv dialogues, and characters over plot to drive the narrative - doesn't necessarily work. It's meandering and indulgent in many parts, tiring you out well before it's over.A beautiful mess, but a mess nonetheless.
I wanted more because it comes from a director who knows, or at least has known how to transfuse exuberance in love, and joy in sheer movement. ‘Highway’ is pretty but stagey.
Ponderous enough to encourage a snooze but also with its rewarding side-effects. Needless to emphasise, Veera lingers on in the memory. And Alia Bhatt’s performance is nothing short of extraordinary, especially her solo stanzas of dialogue, executed in long takes.
Imtiaz skillfully creates moments that are at once, tender, funny and fragile. But my problem was that I simply didn’t buy into the story.
The movie takes one direction and focuses on it, rather than moving to sub-plots. True, there's no adrenaline rush, but there's a serene feel to it. Much like his previous films, Imtiaz's female protagonist wants to break out of the existing rules and regulations, to lead life at her own terms (remember Jab We Met's Geet and Rockstar's Heer). Hats off to Imtiaz for doing justice to the essence of the film. If you are stuck on the crossroads of life, take the Highway.
Highway isn’t merely concerned with cataloguing the virginal, versatile landscapes of Northern India. Often it’s the only ray of cheer to offset the grimness concealed within two wounded souls. Comfort not chemistry is what outlines the attraction between Alia and Randeep as they amble along higher altitudes of make believe.Yes, they could be heroes. But just for one day.
It is rare that a Hindi language film delivers so much promise in the first half. And so it is extremely disappointing when the director and his script lead us on a journey that eventually fizzles out, collapses and dies in front of our eyes
Highway is a must watch as much for what it is as for what it isn’t.It is not a typical romantic drama, nor an average love story. It is a road movie with a difference.
Highway is not an easy ride. But it offers fresh breezes and new sights.At times, Highway feels like an unending Bharat darshan, a long look at suffering souls through several deserts and eucalyptus trees. But some meandering is its only flaw. Watch it for its cathartic creativity, for colours akin to Iranian palettes, for sound design where melting qawwalis, chirruping crickets and a screeching train make layers of noise - for that shot where Veera rests her head on a pillow of water.
For some unadulterated filmmaking which we don’t see too often, make it a point to watch this one.
A daring attempt by Imtiaz, a glorious showcase of India (better than any Incredible India campaign) and a superlative performance by Alia Bhatt makes Highway a must-watch.
Alia Bhatt fits perfectly in this role but doesn't have much scope to perform. Even Randeep Hooda is not bad either but has little to do. Casting director Mukesh Chhabra is bang on, it's unusual and works very well here! Rahman's music does set the mood of the film and cinematographer Anil Mehta captures beautiful locations but even all this can't save this film!Avoid this Highway, it will lead you nowhere!
Highway whips up all the ingredients required for an intriguing film but goes wrong as a whole. It is bold subject handled flimsily and doesn’t come close to believable. There is excessive heavy handedness in the screenplay and somehow the effortless ease that signifies the beauty of Imtiaz’s films is absolutely missing from it. There is far too much of incoherence in the screenplay to bear and though it tried its hand at adding varied hues to multiple layers of the story, one cannot disagree to the fact that it is only Rahman’s divine music and the pristine cinematography that works here. It left me baffled and numb especially because I expect better from Ali. It is heartbreakingly mediocre and I am settling for ratings which translate the same.
Watch Highway for Alia and Randeep if you must. For a two-film-old, Alia's screen presence is incredible. She gets every nuance, every energetic burst and trauma about Veera just perfect. If there is an element of the fragile about her beauty, Ali has tapped it well.
Highway doesn't have a story that can engage you till the end. Post-interval, the film meanders aimlessly, not knowing how to resolve the conflict it has got into and at one point the director decides, okay it's time to end the chase.If armchair tourism is what you are looking for then Highway may be worth your while otherwise it makes sense to wait for this one till it airs on TV. Beyond scenic locations captured superbly by cinematographer Anil Mehta, there is little it offers.
HIGHWAY is a triumph for Alia Bhatt, who delivers a marvelous performance. Also, what you carry home, besides Alia's winning performance, are the stunning visuals, especially towards the second hour. But the treatment of the written material restricts its appeal largely. The connoisseurs of cinema and a tiny segment of the movie-going audience may go ga-ga over the film, but there's precious little for the large base of mass audience that's looking at the entertainment quotient from the maker of hugely admired entertainers like JAB WE MET and LOVE AAJ KAL.
Audience Reviews for Highway
Highway. It is most personal work of Imtiaz Ali. He deliberately cuts down the frills from the execution and focus only on the characters and their feeling about themselves.
Highway's strength lies in the authentic characterization and right casting of its lead characters. Randeep Hooda as goon from Haryana and Alia Bhatt as daughter from a super-rich family from Delhi look, feel, talk and act like that they are wearing their characters on their souls. Their acting in each and every frame is up to the mark. Being a road movie, Highway succeeds in taking you to a beautiful journey that does not want to end.
But unfortunately, screenplay is predictable and does not have too many surprises to keep you engaged. I am going with good 7 out of 10 for Highway. Watch it for Alia and Randeep's performance, watch it for Imtiaz Ali's understanding of his characters. Watch it for a beautiful journey but do not care about the destination.0November 09, 14 -
The film brings alive the spirit of freedom which lies unexplored among all of us. You may not be able to completely relate with the extremely adventurous passion of the protagonist but it would definitely bring you to a dilemma of it being unrealistic or rational.
Alia, born and brought up in a rich household gets kidnapped by Randeep (a truck driver) and thereafter a new life begins for Alia.The cinematography is splendid and it proves that there are indeed so many beautiful places in our country lying unexplored. Randeep Hooda really deserves accolades for playing his character as real as one can imagine. His fluency with the colloquial Rajasthani posed with his strong expressions have contributed a lot in building the storyline.
Alia gives her best shot.She has actually grown leaps and bounds in her performance level in her second film itself which is quite commendable especially at such a young age.
The film has its' share of "hard to believe" sequences, however Imtiaz Ali has tried his level best to club it with the harsh realities that prevail all around us. It is quite interesting and emotional to see how Alia and Randeep from extremely different sections of the society understand and empathize with each other's sorrows.
I would describe "Highway" as a journey which takes off as an adventure and ends with a life's goal.Each one of us has that "pataka guddi" within us to introspect and realize that life is very short and we cannot wait for any miracle to happen all by itself. So, follow your heart and enjoy every small happiness that life has given us........and who knows you may find the ultimate solace at the end of your "Highway".4March 24, 14 -
अगर आप मर्द हैं और किसी लड़की को अग़वा करते हैं,
तो आपके लिए पुलिस से ज्यादा ख़तरनाक़ वही लड़की है।
जी हाँ, हाइवे देख कर आ रहा हूँ। समझ नहीं आ रहा है कि आलिया भट्ट की एक्टिंग और ख़ूबसूरती की तरीफ़ पहले करूँ या फ़िल्म की मीनमेख पहले निकालूँ।
बहुत बोरिंग लगी मुझे, एक लाइन की स्टोरी पर 2 घंटे की फ़िल्म बना डाली। टाइटल हाइवे का भी कोई खास सम्बन्ध नहीं लगा फ़िल्म से।
रणदीप हूडा ने ऐसा कोई काम नहीं किया था कि आलिया को उससे प्यार हो जाता। यह शिक़ायत मुझे दर्जनों फ़िल्मों से होती है कि प्यार का विकास तर्कसंगत तरीके से नहीं दिखाते। बस, डायरेक्टर हुक़्म देता है कि अब तुम्हें इससे प्यार हो जाना चाहिए, और प्यार हो जाता है।
शुरुआत से ही, जब लड़की अग़वा होने के बाद भागने की क़ोशिश करती है, तो पहले सीढ़ी से किसी चीज़ को खनखनाते हुए गिराती है, फिर नीचे एक और चीज़ को जोर की आवाज़ के साथ गिराती है। पढ़ी-लिखी-समझदार लड़की में इतनी अकल नहीं थी कि छुप कर भागते समय आवाज़ नहीं होने देनी चाहिए। और फिर फ़ैक्टरी में मीलों भाग कर फिर वापस आ जाना। भई, कोई भी कारखाना कितना भी बड़ा हो, ट्रेन की रेल भी हो, तो क्या बाहर जाने का रास्ता नहीं मिलेगा और कोई दूसरा नहीं मिलेगा जो मदद कर सके?
किसी के भी बैकग्राउंड को ढंग से नहीं बताया है इसलिए उनका पर्सनेलिटी प्रोफ़ाइल नहीं बन पाया और उनके मिजाज़ों और मंशाओं को समझने की सम्भावना नहीं रही। जिससे फ़िल्म के साथ जुड़ नहीं पाए। जो हीरो शायद 3 ख़ून कर चुका हो, अग़वा करना जिसका पेशा हो, वो माँ का नाम आते ही बच्चा बन जाए, लड़की को बिना फ़िरौती के जाने दे, बाद को आँसुओं से फूट-फूट के रोए, सब फोकट की नौटंकी लगा।
चाइल्ड एब्यूज़ का वाक़या सुनाते समय हॉल में एकदम सन्नाटा था, दर्शक डूब गए थे आलिया की अदाकारी में। बहुत ही प्रभावी सीन रहा वो। और अंत में "उन" अंकल का उल्टा आलिया पर चिल्लाना, उसको मैड कहना, बाकी लोगों का कोई प्रतिक्रिया न होना, बाप का भी दोस्त के द्वारा अपनी बेटी के बचपन से होते रहे बलात्कार पर कोई प्रतिक्रिया न होना, आलिया के फ़ियांसी का होने वाली बीवी के सालहा बलात्कार के बारे में सुनकर भी बलात्कारी को आराम से वॉकआउट करने देगा, इन सबने रहीसों के स्टीरियोटाइप को मज़बूत ही किया है कि उनमें नैतिकता, भावनाओं के लिए कोई जगह नहीं होती है, बस पैसा उनका ख़ुदा होता है।
आलिया को कैसे मालूम कि बचपन में रणदीप कैसा दिखता था, तो बाद को उसकी कल्पना में एकदम वही रणदीप कैसे आ पाया जैसा वो बचपन में था।
जब एक गोली पीठ में और एक सीधे सीने पर, दिल पर लगी हो, तो इंसान उतने सेकंड भी ज़िन्दा नहीं रह पाएगा जितनी देर रणदीप ज़िन्दा रहा, ऐसा मुझे लगता है।
रहमान साब के गाने फ़िलर जैसे थे। फ़िल्म में फ़िट किए थे, लेकिन कोई गाना फ़िल्म के सन्दर्भ में अपनी छाप नहीं छोड़ता है।
इम्तियाज़ अली की पिछली फ़िल्म रॉकस्टार को मैंने 4 बार देखा था हॉल में।
ये फ़िल्म एक बार देखने लायक़ भी नहीं है, सिवाय आलिया के, जो इस फ़िल्म की ज़बरदस्त खोज रही। एक डॉक्यूमेंटरी जैसी है, लेकिन डॉक्यूमेंटरी में कोई थीम एलीमेंट होता है जो इसमें नदारद है।4February 25, 14 -
No words to explain for this movie......
0March 19, 18