Lingaa Reviews and Ratings

Like all his films, ‘Lingaa’ is basically three hours of Rajini Saar doing his thing. And it is three hours of full-on `masti’ and ‘mazaa’: no half-measures for the man who just has to walk across the screen in slo-mo to send his fans into paroxysms.
Lingaa can get tiresome, especially with the too-long fight scenes, but remains constantly watchable because of the miraculously light way in which Rajinikanth continues to wear his megastardom around him…
If only the editing of ‘Lingaa’ had been crisper, over 30 minutes of the film could have been tightened. But the movie belongs entirely to Rajinikanth, no one else.
Although, Lingaa arguably is one the better films of Rajinikanth in a long time, the actor remains a slave to his trademark mannerisms – which do not allow him to sink into the character.
Given all the action packed sequences accorded to the actor known for his kicks and punches, one can’t complain much for this piece of masala entertainment, at the least Lingaa will go well with the ardent fans of Rajinikanth.
…works only because of the charisma and enigmatic screen presence of the Superstar.
The film does test your patience at times, but Rajini papers over those moments with his trademark charm, witty dialogues, and not a bit of help from his gang of thieves.
Whatever the reviews and critics say, no Rajini fan is going to miss this film for sure. For the rest, I would say, it is still a pleasant time-pass entertainment.
The entire film is low on whistle-worthy moments. Given that this is a Rajini film, we expect punch (and punch dialogues) in the scenes but strangely, the film lacks energy.
Watch it if you are a Rajini fan. Even as a masala commercial, Lingaa entertains.
The audiences may or may not but Rajnikanth surely deserves better. But meanwhile, if you are his fan, Lingaa is a wet dream.
‘Lingaa’ gives Rajinikanth a ticket to entertain his fans and he doesn’t let them down.
Lingaa is not a good film. Rajni films rarely are. But like so many of them, Lingaa is entirely aware of how silly it is and rejoices in this. That’s what makes them so much fun to watch. I for one am planning to watch the film again just for the subtitles. To quote the film, “Hey Lingaa, let’s jinga-ling.”
Despite these flaws, Lingaa is a must watch. Don’t watch Lingaa because you want a logical film or a screenplay that is award-worthy. Go watch it because you are a Rajinikanth fan and because you love Tamil films. In fact, go watch it even if you are not a Rajini fan or like Tamil cinema. You’ll come out smiling and feeling good. That’s the power of Superstar Rajini.
‘Lingaa’ is made for the fans and definitely it would entertain Rajininakth fans, for others watch it with low expectations.
Linga is a treat for die hard Rajini fans. However, the film has a very predictable story and we suggest you keep your expectations low. Nevertheless for those who aren’t a fan of the superstar, you would certainly become one, after watching him sparkle in this film.
‘Lingaa’ is a clean masala with barely anything to snip off in censorship. It has a racy screenplay to justify the story that preaches unity, integrity, honesty, humility, and generosity, all for the goodwill of people. Introduction of the thought that people should not be biassed based on caste, is an intelligent move. However, certain patches do stand out as sore thumb that are in dire need of finesse – like dialogues for everyone other than Rajini, action, choreography, and graphics, especially in climax. In all, the film looks like it is made for Rajinikanth, to make him the hero of all times, but fails to meet expectations as a movie on the whole.
If you have seen Rajini films in the past, you would know what to expect. I went into theatre expecting a fun film with a good message and plenty of Thalaivar magic. And as I came out to face the blinding sun, I have to say I was satisfied and happy with Lingaa. Go watch Lingaa right away for good, clean fun. Last, but not the least, watch it for Rajinikanth’s energy and sheer screen presence.
The screenplay of Lingaa skittles from cliché to cliché, packing in every stereotype you can think of. What saves this film from complete disappointment is Rajinikanth the larger-than-life superstar. On the whole, Lingaa is a well-worn, formulaic fare that might appeal to viewers who find comfort in the familiar, and who are still excited by the age-old hackneyed stories about a mass hero turning savior to a village. If it’s not entirely unwatchable, you have Rajinikanth to thank!
…it’s harder to forgive the near-complete lack of entertainment, save for a late-in-the-day action sequence where Rajinikanth jumps on a motorbike and does what we pay to see Rajinikanth do. The theatre erupted at this point – out of sheer relief, it seemed to me, at finally having something worth cheering about.
Lingaa is worth the watch for Rajinikanth but falls midway between being a gripping social drama and a full throttle entertainer.
…being a revenge saga, the movie could have been more intense and gripping. The movie lacks the provocative element that could entice us to join the big man seeking retribution. Moreover, the action scenes could have been refined as watching Rajinikanth doing similar sort of stunts is at times tedious.
Watch Lingaa for its technical brilliance and KS Ravikumar’s intriguing narration. If you are a Rajinikanth’s fan then watch it again solitarily for the Indian Film Personality of the year.
‘Lingaa’ is certain to take an earth-shattering opening as advance booking for the Weekend has been fantastic. In all possibility, It is expected to be biggest opener ever for a South Indian Film. But, Will that be enough to rewrite ‘Robo’ records?
The film gave equal importance to family, tradition, romance and patriotism with all the important characters getting a decent exposure. Rajnikanth will easily spin a box-office magic with Lingaa. Don’t miss “Lingaa”, if you are a die-hard fan of Super Star Rajinikanth. One can surely watch this film for Rajinikanth’s magic in dual role.
Rajnikanth movies are known for creating magic on screen with nice story and punch dialogues. Though the intention is to create a good content, the magic in Lingaa is missing. Plus points of the film are Rajinikanth, dialogues and characterization of Lingeswara Rao (pre-independence). The screenplay is uninteresting and direction should have been better. On a whole, Lingaa is for fans!
Rajinikanth’s mesmerizing energy let down by writing. But give it your time for Superstar’s non-diminishing charisma.
If you go to watch the film to witness the Rajinikanth mania, you’ll be pleased. Otherwise, the cineaste in you will not be assuaged.
If you feel the goodwill of Rajini’s onscreen character Lingeshwaran help grow the brand aura of real-life Rajini, you know very well the movie has worked on you.
Albeit the presence of Rajni’s charisma and a strong storyline, a director of K.S.Ravikumar’s standards is let down by some poor quality scenes and an atrocious climax sequence. This sure isn’t one of Rajni’s best but by all means one can safely bet on the ‘Rajinikanth’ factor to carry it to Box-office success!
Age old story, bad narration, weak sound track makes this three hour long film painfully boring to watch. Lingaa fails to please even the diehard fans of Rajanikanth.