Mukkabaaz Reviews and Ratings

At 2 hours and 35 minutes, Mukkabaaz overstays its welcome by at least 20 minutes, its narrative stretched by way too many background songs, and an inevitable sense of repetition and wallowing in the protagonist’s misery. Yet it might be Kashyap’s most accessible film since Gangs of Wasseypur, and his only crime here may be one of overreaching.
Mukkabaaz is a film whose lack of ostensible polish works to enhance its rough-and-tumble flavor: Anurag Kashyap and the film are at its most sure-footed when they are calling out discrimination, across the board.
Vineet’s compelling performance makes him a character to root for, and even if we are shown the odds too many times, his triumphs feel earned, they feel good
The 156-minute Mukkabaaz is the best film in last one year or so, and this year couldn’t start on a better note. Let’s cherish Vineet Singh and his thickheaded brawler with open heart.
It adds a nice layer to the plot of Mukkabaaz, a film that scores very high on politics, but one that can barely contain the incredible performance of its lead actor, Vineet Kumar Singh.
Though Mukkabaaz is not as dark as his genre, the overall treatment is edgy and thrilling alongside the universal appeal. The film is definitely a milder version of the director, but there is not a dull moment in the movie either. Book you tickets now!
While the film’s mammoth run time (2 hours, 25 minutes!) can exhaust you a bit, Mukkabaaz is a total knockout. The not-just-a-boxing film must not be missed as it puts forth a message that’s most relevant in today’s world
Kashyap is still one of Hindi cinema’s better storytellers. His films definitely shake you from your reverie. So for those who don’t wish to just sleepwalk through life, this Kashyap kand is a must.
…I know I’ll hear of Vineet Kumar Singh in the future. More power to the underdog, you won’t go down – not today.
Don’t expect a Rocky or Gangs Of Wasseypur, because this is not. Growing comfortably in its own little space, Mukkabaaz fits perfectly to the genre of Anurag Kashyap films but this time it’s comparatively less dark & more entertaining. Don’t think, go watch!
Kashyap uses sport (even romance) as fine entry point to speak truth to power, along with the phoniness of ‘Bharat Mata Ki Jai’, where we apparently love our country but hate our countrymen. ‘Bahut hua sammaan’ as a hook is to Mukkabaaz what ‘Kehke loonga’ was to Gangs Of Wasseypur. And, really, kehke li hai, completely.
As the narrative progresses it acquires the personality of a tightly-wound entity coiling and recoiling into shapes of tenderness and venom.Mukkabaaz is a different more balanced and less unsettled beast than any film Kashyap has made. While all his recent films portrayed the dark ugly sinister underbelly of mofussil existence this time , just this once, the director has allowed himself to explore the tricky relationship between love and violence with gentle care. This is the director’s most sensitive film to date. It hits a hard punch. And not just in the boxing ring.
The performances of the main and the supporting cast bring out each of the distinct characters they play. The film takes its time to tell its story (the runtime of the film’s festival version is almost two-and-a-half hours). But then it takes time for love and fairness to fight their battles and stand up to the consuming hatred and vengeance of people with power.
This is the Director’s most sensitive film to date. It hits a hard punch. And not just in the boxing ring.
Not that punch-lines, strong opinions or style was ever unenjoyable in Kashyap films, it’s just that here they are conspicuous by their absence – in a good way. It is nice to see a departure from the usual, even if it doesn’t completely work.
Anurag Kashyap fans may be a bit disappointed here. The filmmaker who doesn’t hold his blows, seems constricted in telling this story. Not that there aren’t enough bloody noses and hammered eyes, but the overall treatment seems to be tweaked for universal appeal. There are scenes which scream Kashyap, but it’s a ‘milds’ version of the filmmaker.
The vision of Kashyap as a filmmaker is embracing and deserves an ovation for highlighting such a sensitive subject. The movie brilliantly showcases how in 21st century also India is stuck with caste discrimination, corruption and the unfavourable environment for the emerging Sportsmen. Give it a definite watch for our Desi Rocky Balbao Vineet.