Revolver Rani Reviews and Ratings

The Rani in ‘Queen’ won our hearts because she was believable every inch of the way. This Rani, who hefts revolvers and shoots to kill, is neither wholly a cartoon figure, nor completely credible. This confusion makes us stop suspending disbelief, and ‘Revolver Rani’ becomes a tiresome Bollywoodesque trudge through the Chambal, and its men and one woman posturing with guns, and the standard corrupt ‘netas’ and complicit cops.
If you like uplifting, cheerful cinema then this isn’t the movie for you. But if like me, you can enjoy bad people doing bad things, then Revolver Rani is fun.
Overall, if you are planning to watch Revolver Rani for Kangana, go ahead. If you are looking for a complete package, you can give it a miss.
For those still in the ‘Queen’ hangover, ‘Revolver Rani’ won’t be an easy pill to swallow. However, the film does manage to establish Kangna’s range as an actor. The transition from Rani to ‘Revolver Rani’ has not exactly been a seamless one, but full marks for the effort.
Revolver Rani could have been the movie of the year. It ended up as a confused film that can’t decide who, or what it wants to concentrate on instead.
A Kangana Ranaut film seems to be increasingly acquiring the proportions of a genre unto itself.
It needs neither saleable male co-stars nor the tried-and-tested conventions of Bollywood blockbusters.
Revolver Rani may lack star power, but it has no dearth of firepower.
‘Revolver Rani’ is loaded with a lot more than just gunpower. You’ll enjoy biting this bullet.
This would have been a great party if only it wasn’t so long. But one has to applaud Kangana Ranaut, who could give all the dacoits in B-Town a run for their loot, for another great performace. Vir Das is just about alright. Kangana delivers her acting chops, but this Rani may not be able to score over the Rani of Queen.
Forget about cashing in on Kangana success they couldn’t even make a decent film!
Revolver Rani is a better than good film that is pulled back due to its hassle some screenplay and craggy editing. The film could have been way more meritorious with heightened drama and better action but suffering from the known second hour plague, the film loses focus squandering its potential in thin air. Kangana Ranaut however, doesn’t allow the film to waste away. Her enigma alone makes it quite an irresistible and scrummy watch.
Revolver Rani is a ‘must watch’ for the sake of rich and superior cinema. The story is tight and dialogues are crisp, director Sai Kabir shows mark of an experienced filmmaker.
Revolver Rani is not a compelling watch like Queen but Revolver Rani has got Kangana and she is pretty much why you should watch this film.
REVOLVER RANI has engaging moments, but they are few and far between. This being Kangna’s immediate film release after the remarkable success of QUEEN may benefit the film to an extent.
There are a few nice bits like the shootout and the excited newsreader episode which allows you to indulge in a few laughs. But towards the end it all gets a bit too high handed and the plot is lost.
The heroine’s character is interesting, I don’t think there are many dacoits who aspire to wear clothes from Paris and want to go to Italy as well.
Expectations from a Kangana Ranaut film, post ‘Queen’ are immense. Kangana does not disappoint and that’s why it is a pity that she is let down by a story that on paper must have held a lot of promise.
There’s a brief period in the second half where Vir Das is getting married on the loop to different women and it’s truly hilarious. Pity then that the rest of the film is so bipolar in nature. Had Sai Kabir maintained the same vein of rhetoric throughout the film, this would’ve been a memorable adult, action comedy. Ironically it isn’t.
The film starts with much promise, with a kind of quirkiness and black humour that fits well with the subject in hand. The narration and the background music work in absolute tandem to bring us a satire that succeeds in making you chuckle more often than not. But unfortunately, some scenes are so long drawn out that the whole impact begins to fizzle out by the end of it. Sharper editing would have perhaps worked towards retaining the crispness of the characters.
It’s a very authentic film, surrounded with dead bodies, love and subtle comedy that brings an end with a different climax in Shivpuri Bird Sanctuary (Madhya Pradesh) before the break of the dawn. Even if she wields guns and goes for blood, Revolver Rani ends up with Love!!
Although Kangana makes ‘Revolver Rani’ work on so many levels, the movie doesn’t do her justice. We honestly wish it had.
It has hints of pulp, a dash of slapstick, a helping of noir, some serious drama, shootouts. But the pulp is not pulpy enough, the comedy is not funny, the action is lame, and our heroine Rani, played by the wonderful Kangana Ranaut has nothing to do except overcompensate for the film’s half-baked nature.
It takes all of fifteen minutes to realise that you are watching a desi version of Kill Bill in Revolver Rani. Its got Quentin Tarantino written all over each and every sequence, the director having broken the film down into just that — a series of well-orchestrated sequences. And in tune with director Sai Kabir’s aesthetic inspiration, Revolver Rani exudes Tarantino style pulpy kitsch, much to the amusement of an unsuspecting Indian audience.
… entertaining in parts but lack of hit and popular music and the unexplained conflict of the second half will tell on its business. Connoisseurs of different cinema will like the film but that will not be enough to recover the cost, given the film’s dull opening.
Sai Kabir tries really hard to turn crude to class however, despite having all elements he ends up with a sluggish and half-baked plot. Watch it only for the exceptional performance of Kangana Ranaut.
Revolver Rani is a special film which is backed by a special performance. You can’t afford to miss Kangana’s power performance. Watch it for the Queen of Bollywood.
Revolver Rani has a bit too much going on at any given point, but it is cast well and has an interesting set of actors who give the material much-needed heft. Vir Das makes a convincing foil to Alka’s brusqueness, balancing the comedy of his daily tortures that result from Alka’s blinkered love with the tragedy of his pawn status.
Kabir’s first effort as filmmaker has a couple of redeeming qualities – he shows a flair for dialogues and makes good use of Sanjeev Srivastava’s music – but ends up biting off a lot more than he can chew in a film that can be best described as wannabe-Gangs of Wasseypur-meets-wannnabe-Kill Bill.
Do watch this desi Kill Bill of sorts to experience a different kind of Bollywood film. Forgive the inconsistent second half, and what you have is a film that entertains, makes you laugh, and gives you food for thought. Truth be told, the film is worthwhile for Kangna Ranaut’s performance alone. Don’t miss!
Revolver Rani makes you feel it had the potential to be an enjoyable, out-of-the-box film. But, I doubt, with that second half there was any possible redemption.
Revolver Rani is a very authentic satire, littered with dead bodies, love and humour. The film’s plot keeps the audience engaged.
The film proves to be a must watch for Kangana’s exceptional performance as a rebellious political goon. -
Overall, Revolver Rani presents experimental filmmaking at its very best but typically with little commercial relevance, especially in the context of the Indian market. Kangana Ranaut shines in her portrayal of a politically powerful female goon.
Revolver Rani is film that can best be appreciated with open and receptive minds. There is certainly more to the film than meets the eye. As a socio-political satire, its relevance cannot be overlooked. The undercurrent of dark humour only adds to movie’s overall appeal. Highly recommended!