Sonali Cable

Movie Info
Set in the cable internet turf war of Mumbai, Sonali Cable is the story of a ghetto girl and her ‘internet boys’, who take on a greedy conglomerate that’s out to decimate their spirit of enterprise.
Sonali Cable is a 'David versus Goliath' story, in the thick of the cable internet turf war in Mumbai. An ordinary girl puts her love, life and survival at stake, when she and her ragtag team come in the way of the expansion plans of India's largest corporation. The film wants to establish the growing corporate crushing small businesses without any scope for co existence.Wikipedia
Starring Cast
Sonali Cable Reviews
Leading lady Rhea Chakraborty is uninhibited but inconsistent, her bumpy Marathi accent never quite convincing. Between her and a script that sadly feels half-baked, Sonali Cable is weighed down, unable to take flight. It's got its moments, but they're few and far between.
Rhea Chakraborty tries for perkiness but comes as a weak link, Anupam Kher is over the top...This could have been a modern day fable, but ‘Sonali Cable’ is not that film.
Sonali Cable starts off as an intriguing story but disconnects itself from the point of the film incredibly fast...
It is labourious to sit through the 127 minute-long film, and soon you are left wondering if director-writer Acharya bit off far more than what he could chew with this one. After watching the film, one gets the feeling that he put way too many issues on his plate, and when it came to arranging his full plate, he couldn't handle the task. Simply put, he fails miserably in establishing his credibility as someone who is serious about handling the issues.
Though Charudutt Acharya’s characters in Sonali Cable have stories and context, his film flails about, unable to decide what it is. That’s partly because Rhea Chakraborty’s Sonali is completely unbelievable, and because the film's bigotry keeps overtaking its socialist spirit.
Sonali Cable has a bunch of sincere actors who are lumped with a scrappy narrative. The laughs are unintentional, the swag flops and eventually all that remains is just a bad film, which is hard to sit through.
The film has a good concept but lacks the vibrancy and spirit of the city it is set in. Overall, it faces 'connectivity' issues.
Acharya tries to pack in themes like sectarian violence and corrupt politicians amidst much sermonising, but the film falls flat on its face because there is too much going on. In the end, this is about a beautiful and intelligent entrepreneur whose reason for being is your right to get reliable upload and download quality.
Sonali Cable doesn’t offer much in terms of cinema. I do get what the makers were trying to drive home (a theme bigger than the purview of this film for sure) but a tiresome narrative doesn’t yield much goodness. Once out of the theater, it is the kind of film that will make you feel why did you waste your time. Filled with wrong laughs, false frills and a build up that doesn’t make for an enticing climax, Sonali Cable‘s underdog story doesn’t quite work.
The film ends up a clumsy attempt at entertaining, almost like those pirated prints of brand new releases that local cablewallahs would often telecast on the sly in a bid to retain subscriber base.
Sonali Cable is an experimental film made on a new theme. Duration of the film is fine, lead pair is cute but story is average. Watch it if you really want to.
The film, which could have upped its entertainment quotient, fails to do so primarily because its poor script and bad direction. On the whole, SONALI CABLE is a weak film that can be skipped.
As a heroine-centric movie, SC had lots of potential but nowhere is there a plot in place. For her part, Rhea does well: as well as the script allows her to. Just having a broadband connection is not good enough, you also need 24-connectivity for it to work!
Lazy script, mediocre bordering on silly dialogues and shoddy editing makes this one sadly a boring affair. A woman-centric film is always welcome but there really is no point if the film falters badly at the execution and ends up being just another lacklustre film.
Ignore the malicious comments on the film. Go see Sonali Cable. It is a very original and intelligent script, deftly edited and performed. Yes , debutant Charudutt Acharya is a better writer than a director.His characters are must have appeared far more interesting on paper. But then, cinema is not about the written word only. It’s a lot more.
Rhea fails to impress, Ali Fazal stuck playing arm candy...The film solely rests on Chakraborty's Sonali and ironically enough, that's why for most of Sonali Cable, the audience feels disconnected.