Court Reviews and Ratings

Tamhane’s film excels in revealing these terrific vignettes of life, and in the process it ends up moving you. The film allows us to judge, and yet, suggests that we don’t judge too much – after all, this is life with all its complexities and everyone is human.
It is a searing, unmissable film, the best you will see this year. If you feel any other way, well, go ahead, sue me.
Court — a singularly strong directorial debut — gives us stunning snapshots which should work sensationally well for a festival audience, but, to the Indian viewer, are not truly new or holding any strikingly original thought.
We know this, all of this.
But perhaps the point Tamhane is trying to make is that it isn’t important that we should know, but that we know better.
This is a brilliant critique of Indian judiciary…There are no villains, or at least there is no vicious intention in a single character of Court. Yet, everyone, including the judge, lawyers and cops, end up being responsible for an innocent and ageing man’s suffering. And that, sadly is the harsh reality of today’s society.
The multilingual Court (Marathi, Hindi, English and Gujarati, with subtitles) is an exceptional cinematic achievement: a film that no cinema lover can afford to miss.
…a multi-lingual film that many will need subtitles to watch, but it is one of the best films of 2015. Do not miss this one.
‘Court’ is a film for the thinking viewer and requires you to evaluate scenes using your brains. Those of you who are formulaic film lovers and want to howl and whistle in cinema theatres, please stay away from this one instead of spoiling the experience for others. For people who love meaningful cinema, this is a must watch. Don’t miss the summons!
Every character seems genuine in this film. Some of the characters are played by skilled actors while some are non-professionals. Yet, it is impossible to differentiate the two. Locations chosen by the director augment the film and the camera too, plays an integral role. Never has the director tried to be gimmicky with a smart shot or a clever dialogue. Everything in the film is portrayed with hundred percent authenticity. Precisely why it makes you uneasy, makes you think and stays with you for a long long time.
In a film of many highs, the film’s real star though is Tamhane, who is in control of the proceedings from the beginning. His detailed eye and wry sense of humour only enhance the courtroom experience.
Court is the right blend between the rational and humane nature of our laws as well as people. The film will give you an insight into the archaic and ambiguous nature of laws and how they are thrusted upon individuals who are unaware of them. It is the best representation of a court room drama so far in India, minus its heightened dramatic nature.
Court is one of the finest films made in recent times, in any part of the world. When it comes to quality, mind and soul stirring cinema, it doesn’t get any better than this film, which also happens to be the debut feature of director Chaitanya Tamhane. Do as you please but do not miss this film.
Court is another reminder that we need drastic changes in the way our judiciary functions; it raises relevant questions but doesn’t provide answers. We are left chuckling in the end but the joke, sadly, is upon us…
COURT is not a movie. It is brilliance in motion. It is a must-watch film.
That’s the beauty of this film; it does not preach or try to influence you in any way.
COURT is a fictionalized account of hard-hitting facts! -
A film so real that you can almost touch it. Please go watch it. The audience needs such films more than the film needing the audience.
In many ways, its aesthetics and idealism make Court feel reminiscent of Indian parallel cinema of the 1970s. However, Tamhane’s storytelling is distinctively contemporary and he’s careful to ensure Court doesn’t become preachy, self-indulgent or slow (standard problems that make so many Indian parallel film classics seem dated today). Perhaps one of the more depressing aspects of placing Court in the chronology of Indian cinema is realising that Tamhane’s film belongs to a tradition of cinematic dissent that couldn’t pierce our apathy as a society.
Court does offer a wonderful portrayal of India’s legal system. Given what Bollywood titles ranging from Damini to Jolly LLB have done to caricature the courtroom, this film is long overdue. Court comes closest to showing how an actual court functions. It captures the impact those undramatic courtrooms have on people who are unwittingly trapped in the labyrinth justice system.
This is a delicious slice-of-life film that puts forth various issues, and celebrates the unintended and often dark humour that we see all around us. As the lights dim on a closed courtroom, we understand the director is making a symbolic point. Indians often say that one should keep away from the ‘chakkar’ of courts and hospitals as far as possible. The film shows us why. And it’s sad, sad indeed.
Court effortlessly manifests that hardcore realism can serve as an engaging experience. No wonder it is indisputably the best debut of the times and Tamhane gets everything right, something that is sure to leave many of his contemporaries as well as seasoned filmmakers in awe. Films like this make me believe that the resurgence of Marathi cinema is truly a thing of reality. If anything, resurgence at its staggering best.
The painstaking strength of this film could also be misconstrued as its weakness; Court is perhaps so good a movie that it doesn’t look like one. It is unyielding, funny, mundane, occasionally boring and thought provoking, if only in hindsight. Just like life. Live it.
An accomplished piece of work whose natural tone is surreal…
Although, it’s not meant for casual viewing, Court has something to offer to everyone. The students of cinema most definitely need to study it. Court is a film that needs to be watched!