India’s Most Wanted Reviews and Ratings

India’s Most Wanted has the relatively novel backdrop of Nepal, where the terrorist is meant to be hiding out. New scenery usually means instant freshness. But the overall result is more a placid seen-it-before run-around than the edge-of-the-seat nail biter that it promises to be.
Arjun Kapoor plays it subtle in a well-meaning thriller too restrained to be memorable. The idea at its heart is good but there’s little that leaves an impact.
India’s Most Wanted is a tragic waste of its source material. A real-life chase demanded the bare-knuckled Paul Greengrass, Kathryn Bigelow or Delhi Crime treatment. The feasibility of the story itself is the film. But the language it uses – that of Kabir Khan and Neeraj Pandey spy/action dramas – is more suited to the fetishization of a make-believe genre. Almost as if the director doesn’t trust us to understand that capturing terrorists is not a mundane 9-to-5 job. This, however, does sort of explain the coming-of-age soundtrack. Forget finding the bad guys; I hope they found themselves.
It’s unbearable, this dullness. You’ll find more action in a grocery shop’s CCTV footage than in all of India’s Most Wanted.
Arjun Kapoor is sincere but is unable to engage you fully with the trials and tribulations of his character. He does little to uplift the film that solely works for its story. The crime drama holds your attention despite the odds, given the gravity of the events it chronicles. It’s commendable how Raj Kumar Gupta doesn’t fall for the staples — needless songs, glamorous female character and jingoism. IMW is an earnest ode to the unsung heroes of our country — a story that deserves to be heard.
Gupta throws in real-life shots of bomb blasts in India to emphasise the importance of the mission, but they can’t match the story’s sluggish pace. A deadpan Kapoor is ineffective as a master spy on a mission of a lifetime, putting in an one-tone, monotonous performance as Prabhat that weighs down an already sagging film.
If you’re in the mood for a documentary-styled ‘real’ film, you may find something to take back from here. Having said that, in this case, the intention can be lauded, but definitely not the execution.
The problem with India’s Most Wanted is also its twist. Anyone who has been to Nepal and the places where the film takes you, can already sense there’s something amiss. The landmark referred to in one of the film’s crucial scenes is a giveaway. So when the twist actually arrives, it is a little too late.
India’s Most Wanted is good in parts but those parts are very few. It’s a very weak project if you go by the standard of Raj Kumar Gupta; his weakest after Ghanchakkar. Skip it and watch whenever it airs on television or digital space.
…is an average fare thanks to its poor writing and direction. At the box office, the film is going to face an uphill task owing to the lack of excitement and buzz.
You walk out of the film with a swelling sense of pride for the country and its brave men. But you can’t help wish the film was intelligently crafted rather than just banking on nationalist fervour.
India’s Most Wanted is kinda fast-paced, a rudimentary thriller with background score guiding your every move, but two hours plus runtime simply appears an hour too long.
…is a very badly scripted and poorly made film with weak performances. It will face complete rejection at the box-office – and deservedly so.
India’s Most Wanted is a sincere effort to document an untold chapter about common men who braved their life to nab a dangerous terrorist. They stayed in the shadows and didn’t get medals yet their contribution is worth being documented and narrated.
Rajkumar Gupta’s directorial – “India’s Most Wanted” – is a rare film on counter-terrorism which seems to show no inclination to overplay its cards,
Known for sharp thrillers such as Aamir and No One Killed Jessica, director Raj Kumar Gupta has set a bar that only few have managed to scale. But, as they say, high expectations inevitably lead to disappointment. Given the compelling material to work with at hand, this could’ve rendered a cracking, edge-of-the-seat watch. But predictable turns and lack of cinematic liberties fail to infuse the film with much-required tension.
The makers of India’s Most Wanted had a compelling subject with them. Unfortunately Raj Kumar Gupta’s direction and writing fails to do justice to it and leaves you dry and disappointed instead.
This terrorist manhunt is overheated and undercooked…