Ki and Ka

Movie Info
Ki and Ka is a film that follows a young, married couple whose relationship challenges the gender roles placed upon women and men in Indian society.Wikipedia
Starring Cast
Ki and Ka Reviews
It feels longer than its two hours running time, and you won’t be able to shake off the feeling that it delivers very little in the end.
Great to see the premise– send a woman out, keep a man in, and reverse gender expectations- on screen : it just needed to have been sharper and deeper.
Ki & Ka wants to be important, it wants to be revolutionary, it wants to be a feminist statement of equality. Admirable, sure. But it doesn't know how.It is a film that thinks it knows better, but really -- really -- doesn't.
Too much breakfast and coffee table drama make this well intentioned film lose steam. Ki & Ka isn’t a strong voice against gender stereotyping, but it’s one of its kind in mainstream Hindi film industry, and that makes it notice-worthy.
There is too much artifice and very little spontaneity...
When the setting itself is so unnatural, it is indeed a task to make the troubles seem organic. Ki and Ka have their fights, but the situations seem forced into the narrative. The tone goes from playful to preachy and that ride is choppy. So the concept, a crackling one to begin with, soon crumbles like a house of cards.
Ki & Ka is obviously taken in by its liberal notions but fails to realise that it’s not so uncommon in today’s urban context where lots of working men and women share both their professional and personal duties.
With its promising premise undermined by erratic execution, Ki And Ka is only intermittently watchable.
Kareena is terrific, Arjun, endearing. But Balki's writing is inconsistent. A few scenes leave you misty-eyed, but for the most part, the stock situations are banal. Yet, Ki and Ka is worth a ticket because it tells shows how there is nothing wrong with the man wearing the apron and the women wearing her ambition.
There is so much to be said about changing roles in today’s India, and films would do well to reflect on this great churn. But R. Balki, like most of Bollywood, would rather not look outside and learn. Why make a real film about real people when you can stereotype. It is faster.
It's enjoyable when it's not trite. You might take to it if you are the sort that enjoys clichés.
Ki And Ka might feel like the two longest hours of your life. Balki sets out to demolish stereotypes, but in the process, ends up affirming them even more. Watch it only if you swear by Kareena or Arjun. Or good germs of films spoilt by bad execution.
Ki And Ka is a brave attempt to bring in the issue of a gender role reversal but the story fails to keep you engaged. The film never reaches a conclusion of the concept and loses its focus. Despite the impressive performances by the leads, the movie simply disappoints.
...a cleverly crafted feel-good film that packs all the emotions. Though it has strong performances by both Arjun and Kareena, the film is bound to draw extreme reactions from the orthodox audiences who may find the premise difficult to digest. It is an urban progressive film and should appeal more to women and young married couples.
While I wasn’t very happy with the direction, I loved Arjun’s understated performance. It is, however, Amitabh Bachchan and Jaya Bachchan’s cameo that’s the highpoint of this film.The second half has a nice twist, but the sheer number of times you hear ‘Ki’ and ‘Ka’ in this story is just exhausting.
Apart from the writing, there are issues with the editing of Ki And Ka. The gaping holes in quality in these two departments can't be saved, even by the peppy music of Mithoon, Meet Bros. Anjjan and Ilaiyaraaja. Not even by charisma of Amitabh Bachchan and Jaya Bachchan, who play phenomenal cameos in the movie. If only R Balki had built on the idea of having this couple play a more consequential role in the film.
Audience Reviews for Ki and Ka
After a rather dodgy World Cup, India was finally ousted in the semis by the Windies . Though I am really proud that our team was among the final four, there was still a lingering sadness that we couldn't proceed further. Anywaz what better way to shake off the dejection than with a movie & that's when I realised that "Ki & Ka" is hitting the screens this weekend. The trailer was quite explicit as it was about a stay home husband which is not an explored premise in Bollywood. So will it be able to break new ground or be reduced to being stereotypical???
Kia (Kareena Kapoor) is a successful marketing manager who is fiercely focused in her career & had a clear idea as to what she wants to become in due time. During one of her business tours, she gets acquainted with Kabir (Arjun Kapoor) who inspite of being a MBA topper & from an affluent lineage was diametrically opposite to what she was. Kabir wanted to be like his mom by being a stay home partner as he believed that a male could be as effective as a female in ensuring a strong family system. After a couple of dates, the two decides to take their relationship to the next level & ties the knot. Things proceed smoothly as both of them comfortably settles into the roles that they had aspired for until ego wedges in as one of them hogs the limelight much to the displeasure of the other. So can they settle their differences or was this intention of being a stay home husband in our society (whether we like it or not is still predominantly patriarchal) a rather impractical idea???
R Balki is a well known director not only for his distinct scripts but also for the unique titles that he comes up for his movies starting from "Cheeni Kum" to his latest venture "Ki & Ka". Now coming to the storyline as such, though it is not something which has been observed in Bollywood, the idea of males taking an equal share of the domestic responsibilities is very much vogue in many of our lives. It isn't just about giving sermons about female equality but personally speaking I feel females should also become independent & for that to happen the male gender will have to pitch in equally in all aspects of a marital relationship. However, Balki falters in executing his ideas effectively & it comes across being like a caricature as the movie turns out to be nothing more than a role reversal where the guy behaves like the girl (including the "mangalsutra" on his wrist for a change). The conflicts between the two in the latter half is believable but overall it wont blow our socks off. All the technical aspects seemed fine though it doesn't deserve special mention.
When I had seen the trailer for the first time, the combination of Kareena & Arjun didnt seem quite appealing to me. But after watching it, I would say that they were indeed aptly casted. It's been quite a while since we have seen Kareena in a credible role & she has essayed her part convincingly as the career oriented professional. The same also has to be said about Arjun who was both charming & endearing in a role which I am sure many actors wouldn't have taken up at first glance. Both Swaroop Sampat & Rajit Kapur were adequate in their roles while the cameo by Big B & Jaya Bachchan was pretty good.
Verdict: Since it doesn't belong to the category of being a mass movie, it wont have a fantastic initial but it would still appeal to the target audience & should be a safe bet for the producers. It's unique from a movie point of view but Balki wasn't able to execute it as effectively. In short, maybe you can give it a try if you have time!!!
Rating: 2.25/5
0September 18, 16 -
Ki & Ka is a romantic comedy-drama film by R Balki. With successful films to his kitty in the past viz. Cheeni Kum and Paa (Shamitabh did not see great success though), expectations were bound to be there out of his latest film Ki & Ka. When I had seen the trailer, I had felt that this film is based on the concept of gender role reversal, which is so much relevant to our society. Off late, lot of discussions happen, and articles / books are written that talk about women empowerment, women and their careers. These also focus on gender roles that limit their options and how difficult it is for an ambitious woman to grow in her professional life without making compromises on the personal front. These also talk about how challenging it is for women to balance their personal and professional lives. In our society, men are traditionally seen as the providers while women are seen as the ones who take care of things, be it home / family. Society expects men to be ambitious and to perform as the primary breadwinner. Boys are taught from their childhood to be strong personalities, to take on leadership and protector roles. Boys are always encouraged to be career-oriented, extrovert, go-getters. The trailer gave the impression that the film is going to deal with the concept, what if a man does not want such roles? What if a man chooses to be a homemaker and take care of the household chores, whereas their wives go out and work? Another question mark is how acceptable such males are in the society ? The trailer made me feel that the film revolves around gender role reversal, but when I watched the film, it talks beyond gender role reversal. Rather the film talks about the concept that how a financially independent person or the one who earns in marital partnership becomes the dominant figure. The film highlights, how the breadwinner of the family, be it ‘Ki’ or ‘Ka’ (female or male figure) feels that the family survives or thrives because of her / him, whereas she or he ignores the contribution of the support system of their partners. Marriage is a partnership, which can be successful only when both the parties believe in this partnership and live this togetherness without being insecure or jealous of one another’s achievements, be supportive of one another’s journey, and be tolerant enough to handle mistakes of one another. A marriage will not become successful, if ‘I’ dominate. Ki & Ka talks about ‘We’ predominating than ‘I’ and to be instrumental in the growth of one another and henceforth further evolve in marital relationship. Such a beautiful concept could have been handled with more depth. I felt that the flavour of comedy has made the film shallow. Especially a director of great caliber like R Balki could have added lot more pathos to various scenes in the film.
Ki & Ka begins with a marriage party, where Kia (Kareena Kapoor Khan) is a guest, who is reluctant to join the dance. The very effort of picking up every incoming call shows her disinterest towards the party. She ends ups expressing during one of her conversation that marriage for a girl is equivalent to her death since her dreams, freedom, desires everything die with marriage. She just becomes ‘the support’. This scene itself makes it very clear that Kia is fiercely independent ambitious girl. Kabir (Arjun Kapoor) enters in the next scene in a flight sequence, where he is seen to be sobbing about his mother’s absence in his life on her birthday. Kia, the passenger next to him, finds him weird, but strikes an instant chord with him, which leads them into a series of further meetings. Kabir, in spite of being IIM-B topper and son of a business tycoon Mr. Bansal (Rajit Kapur), doesn’t want to be part of any rat-race in profession / business, and just wants to settle down with Kia as a househusband, proposes to Kia. Kia, who is three years elder to him, ultimately accepts his proposal and gets into matrimonial alliance with him. Kia’s mother (Swaroop Sampath) approves of their marriage whole heartedly, whereas Mr. Bansal humiliates Kabir for choosing to be a househusband. According to Kabir, he always wanted to be like his mother who was a housewife, a great artist in Kabir’s language (knew the art of managing home beautifully). Kabir and Kia do court marriage.
What happens after their marriage? How Kabir becomes instrumental in Kia’s successful journey in the corporate world ? How does ego, insecurities, jealousies play part in the screenplay ? Is Kia able to handle the fact that her husband is actually just a househusband? Does Kabir’s male ego come in the way of their relationship? Is Kia able to balance her personal and professional life? How Kabir handles his financial dependency on Kia? Is Kabir able to handle Kia’s professional success? Does Kabir ever think of moving out of her shadow, if yes, how ? How does Kia respond to it ? Watch the film to explore further…
Kareena Kapoor Khan as Kia has done justice to her role. Arjun Kapoor as Kabir could have done better. Probably his body language did not work in his favour. Rajit Kapoor as Mr. Bansal is not very natural, whereas he is a veteran and such a fine actor. Swaroop Sampath has justified her role.
The surprise element is cameo by real couple Amitabh Bachchan and Jaya Bachchan. Let me not reveal, how they fit into this cameo.
The script had indeed so much of potential. I felt, the comedy angle made the film lose its depth. The scenes, which could have directly hit the audience’ hearts, fell flat due to humour making them trivial. Probably Balki wanted to keep the film light-hearted. Certain scenes were not well executed viz. Kabir’s expressing to Kia in regard to his desire to be like his mom, his troubled relationship with his father, his mingling with the housewives’ gang etc. Even the court marriage scene had only one witness as Kia’s mother, whereas generally witness from either side is required. The last scene was indeed not a show-stopper scene. Kia does feel at one point of time that Kabir used her, but Balki’s thought behind this scene was not clear. Also, I did feel that through gender role reversals, Balki wanted to show how people caught in unconventional roles are treated by the society at large, but he did incorporate scenes to showcase both Ki and Ka in their conventional / expected roles, viz. Kia emphasizing that she is emotional (like other girls) and Kabir fighting with people passing comments on them i.e. role of a protector. Were these scenes required?
Overall, Ki & Ka is a decent watch. You would be able to enjoy this film if you could overlook certain flaws of the screenplay. And if you strongly feel in the traditional concept of men being providers and women being careers, you may just not like this film. Females may envy Kia’s professional status, since they secretly desired to be in her shoes, and so, they would like the film.
‘Ji Huzuri’ song is very nice. Though I felt that Illayaraja’s music is good, but could have done more wonders.
Ki & Ka starts with gender role reversal, but grows beyond this concept to convey that a marriage partnership evolves only when both Ki & Ka appreciates one another’s contribution. A home becomes happy home with the feeling of ‘We’ predominating than ‘I’. Though the screenplay turned out to a bit shallow, overall, it is an enjoyable film. Watch the film for its concept.
1April 02, 16 -
R.Balki’s ‘Ki and Ka’ is furnished with brawls between a husband- wife relations. His directorial represents the depth of a relationship in the institution of a marriage, which is portrayed exceedingly well. Here, the plot is intertwined as both exchange out their position. But for all those students who went to see the movie Arjun’s character is recognized the full worth of. Primarily, because of the all-encompassing humanness which is portrayed by him in the most consummate way. In the film, Kareena Kapoor and Arjun Kapoor are portray Husband and wife. Kareena is Kia, a pushy woman who is the bread winner of the house. She does her job beyond her wildest dream. She is attractively lively. And has verged on obsession other than her character which she plays. She yowls, howls and wails at Kabir, her husband who is a house husband and carries out household duties traditionally done by a housewife rather than going out to work. His admiration, endearment, intimacy for his wife compels him to take care of her in the gentlest way where he tends to her needs extending a helping hand in the daily chores, keeping track of social expectations from her. And above and all taking care of her mother too in the most reverent modus operandi. His character is attractive. And emulate him in totality in his communication skills. He casts an appreciative look and makes a go for it. He has a lot more vim from which he seems deeply vigorous. At last it is shown that Kia is jealous of Karan as he gets publicity. R. Balki’s direction is not so convincing. But he is able to contrive the film with his new conceptual abstract idea. His innovatory designs which are used by him in other of his films are good and are beneficial to the society. And what makes the film more beguiling is the melody itself. It pleases smooth to hear. Party song ‘High heels’ is recreated and is used in the film. Both Kia and Karan stagger the screen in the runtime of the song. Toying with the theme, the film is an average ambivalent watch about a married pair altercations. One can enjoy watching it.
1April 09, 16 -
After watching this I just wanted to know that what Arjun Kapoor was actually trying do???
2April 01, 16