Ragini MMS 2 Reviews and Ratings

Despite its harum-scarum script and barely-there logic, I quite enjoyed ‘Ragini MMS 2’ in the portions when Sunny Leone is in full stride. She is totally comfortable in her acres of bare skin, and is surprisingly not that much of a slouch when it comes to acting her part. Heaving and moaning, sure, that’s expected. But she can carry a scene: maybe not ‘porn se Rituparno’ just yet (another example of the dialogue that fits the tone of this film like another kind of sheath), but not half bad.
..less a movie and more a product. Not only does the film have no creative vision, this is a design-by-committee movie out to do one thing and one thing only – make money. Even before you see the names of the creative personnel, you see names of the marketing heads and executives. Ragini MMS 2 is being touted as a ‘horrex’ movie – a combination of horror and sex. Although you wouldn’t be too far off if you thought it stood for horrible sex. It might be smarter to market this movie as a spoof instead.
If instead of character and narrative, you’re looking for a few cheap thrills, then Ragini MMS 2 might do the trick.
Ragini MMS 2 has the standard plot of film within a film. But it’s been used to great effect and impact here. Has just the right amount of mambo-jambo to carry the conceit of horror films forward.
At best, the film seems like a spoof. Overall the movie still manages to scare at some shots, make us laugh and enjoy Sunny Leone in her skimpy outfits.
Ragini MMS 2 is a better attempt than its prequel and is worth a dekko.
Why are the characters in our horror films so intellectually challenged? Ragini MMS 2 is specially suffused with morons…Ragini MMS 2 is so enamoured by its luscious leading lady’s lusty past that it doesn’t know what it wants to be. Neither horrifying nor sexy, the film is like a conflicted schizophrenic seeking a closure to his identity crisis blocking out the sunlight from all the windows in his home and running around in circles all over his darkened home.
For horror-buffs this might not be ‘spookilicious’ enough, but those looking for a ‘sun-sunny’ weekend, go lap it up!
Whether you are a Sunny Leone fan or not, Ragini MMS 2 still manages to raise a few scares and stay true to its genre.
…is far more lucid than Ragini MMS. Though the first half isn’t exactly remarkable, the build up to the second half, the well used titillating show and the tight eldritch climax is what makes the film a worthwhile film here. Do not expect anything beyond mindless entertainment because this film is just the horror variation of a commercial potboiler. Don’t attach logic, don’t expect intelligence, just get entertained.
For a film which is billing itself as India’s first horrex (horror and sex) genre film, Ragini MMS 2 is hardly a spine-chilling tale. Ironically, the sequel to the 2011 film, which had genuine scream-inducing scenes, works better at tickling the funny bone.
…has ample scares, a generous dose of skin show, a winning soundtrack and of course, a sensuous Sunny Leone to spell S-U-C-C-E-S-S. This second helping is much more scrumptious and delicious than the first. Go, get spooked!
There is no story to speak of in it and neither can Sunny Leone’s anatomy nor her gyrations and heaving can save this unmitigated disaster. The film has been termed as a horrex, a combination of horror and sex. There was no evidence of the former and the latter was cringe worthy at best. But I guess the film makers know that there are there are enough babydoll fans to ensure that the producers laugh their way to the bank.
My half star is for the unintentional fun that you end up having while watching‘Ragini MMS 2’ – the hero’s poor impression of Rajkummar Rao and Sandhya Mridul’s Rakhi Sawant act are over-the-top but mildly funny.
The reason a lot of people will watch Ragini MMS 2 is thanks to the still growing popularity of the songs, Baby Doll and Chaar botal vodka. The total package – the songs, Sunny Leone erotica and the in-your-face scares – is good for an average horror flick. But there’s absolutely no sense to story or treatment. This is what you call a certified Hollywood knock off.
…is not yawn-inducing but quite entertaining. But that doesn’t take away from the fact that it’s a shoddily-made film that could have been better if it hadn’t blindly followed the same old horror film formula.
After a great start to the year with a string of good films, the honeymoon has finally ended. Ragini MMS 2 reminds you that Bollywood still is a stinker conveyor belt. Why someone needs to sully the face of horror cinema and churn out such awful films is a question best left for folks smarter than me. You have no one but yourselves to blame if the words ‘One ticket for Ragini MMS 2’ exit your mouth.
Unfortunately, the fact that Leone is in a film that pays greater emphasis to her body and sex appeal than plot and character serves to undermine her campaign for respect considerably. She heaves, pants, sighs and roams around the house in her under garments, much to the delight of the male audience. Using the classic horror film trope of the scared girl in distress, the film is a voyeuristic cliché that disturbs more than it scares.
…is a surefire hit as it has the deadly combination of sex, horror, comedy and hit music. It will please the masses and classes alike and will work wonders at the box-office from North to South and East to West.
Despite a half-baked script with cliched masala, Ragini MMS 2 is worth a watch purely for Sunny Leone’s performance.
We are sure all Sunny Leone fans are going to throng the theatres irrespective of what we say. So this is for the rest of you – if you want to get entertained and aren’t looking out for a meaningful cinematic experience, then you can indeed watch this one but not with your family.
One of the film’s main draw— Sunny Leone looks the part. Compared to the obvious awkwardness in her first Bollywood film Jism 2, there’s a marked step-up.
The film could be disappointing for serious horror buffs. It may not be the scariest film you’ve seen, but with the combination of a few chilling moments, excellent supporting cast and the comedic relief, it certainly is entertaining!
Ragini MMS 2 is like any other B-grade horror film or Horrex (Horror-Sex for the uninclined) as Ragini MMS 2 likes to call itself. Do not be surprised if I copy-paste this review for the next similarly done film in the genre.
Are you okay with the fact that Divya Dutta is a psychiatrist that specializes in paranormal cases? Or that her initial scenes are preceded by the same stock footage of Marine Drive? It doesn’t matter. The makers are sure you will be okay with Miss Leone wearing her sexiest lingerie to bed every night. Or tied to a chair in lingerie. Where will you ever see that?
It seems that director Bhushan Patel had not much to say throughout the shoot except saying ‘cut’ on time.
If the plot of the story is so exciting and Balaji honcho Ekta Kapoor is the producer, it would be better if you take a final call on whether to watch this flick or not because it all depends on your choice and preference.