Star Trek Beyond Reviews and Ratings

The film doesn’t bother explaining why the universe across planets may be after it. Not that anyone is asking that question, for Star Trek Beyond is much too busy pitting Kirk and company against Krall (Elba) and his lot.
Star Trek Beyond is an extension of the movies that came before it. It makes the series feel connected and whole.
Celebrating its 50th anniversary this year, the franchise juggernaut comprising of small screen voyages and big continues to evoke nostalgia and inspire ingenuity.
But it’s the combination of these two qualities in the third installment of the reboot series — Star Trek Beyond — what makes it worth a trip.
To sum things up, get ready for some interesting side adventures, snappy dialogues, brilliant CGI, an entertaining score (the retro hit by Beastie Boys’ Sabotage) and also a relationship angle, for good measure. The kind of blend that is signature JJ Abrams (he has a co-producer credit). Then there’s the enemy leader Krall (Elba) who is bad to the bone no doubt, but without being over-the-top. A few logical fallacies aside, this one’s really enjoyable.
Go buy that ticket and strap in to explore new worlds with the Starship Enterprise. Enjoy the ride. We’re sure there are more to follow.
Director Justin Lin mixes eye-popping spectacle with good ol’ nostalgia in Star Trek Beyond, a sequel that lives up to the rich lineage of the Star Trek franchise.
…has both heart and action coupled with the aura that continues from the previous films, which makes it an entertaining film and definitely worth a watch.
With the climactic sequence pumping up the action and destruction, you are quite guaranteed a swell experience – especially since it’s quite bloodless and catering largely to boyish fantasies.
Overall, this film is like watching a big budget film of the original television series.
Fans of the franchise, this is how your fan fiction looks on screen. This is a wholesome fan experience with a simple but an enchanting storyline. For the newbies (who have not seen a single movie of the franchise), watch this as an independent space-travel movie and you won’t complain. Get your shields up and boldly go where no man has gone before.
There’s nothing remotely path-breaking about this film, but the visible affection of the actors for the characters they’re playing makes Star Trek Beyond more enjoyable than any third film in a franchise has a right to be.
There’s plenty going for Star Trek Beyond when the only thing holding it back is its formulaic approach. But you don’t always have to go where no man has been before.
All in all, director Justin Lin’s take on J.J. Abrams’ reboot of the franchise, while taking it back to basics, fails to do little else but give you the faint promise of excitement, but never fully delivering.
The balance between wit, irreverence, philosophy, blockbuster tropes and action is deft, but if only the plot had been more convincing.
The movie is quite upbeat for the nightmarish times we live in. Star Trek always helped us understand that the possibilities are always endless, and the sweet and sincere nature of the film almost makes you believe that it could be true.
So here’s hoping the great adventure continues for another 50 years from here.