Love Games

Movie Info
Love Games is about a con couple which is manipulative and seductive. They go to Page 3 parties in search of a happy couple, only to break their relationship. It is here that they execute their plan 'Love Games.Wikipedia
Starring Cast
Love Games Reviews
The Bhatts’ long-standing promise of giving us fully adult men and women bursting with carnal desires and twisted motives used to be backed by storylines. This one gives up quickly.
Vikram Bhatt is just juggling with the idea of cheap thrills without actually putting anything substantial on offer. So, it won’t make any difference if you call Love Games, Hate Story 4.To cut the chase short:Roses are red, violets are blue.Hey Vikram Bhatt, what did you do?
‘Love Games’ is a watchable one if you have nothing to do this weekend or simply if you don’t get the tickets for ‘The Jungle Book’.
The first half of the film is all about love games, sexual boredom and intimate scenes. The story takes off in the second half but it misses the mark because of its predictable story, cliched dialogues and all-too-easy screenplay.
Love Games is a Vishesh Films offering. So it does not lack surface gloss. But it simply isn't enough to hide its lack of depth. Best avoided.
The oohs and aahs are limited to the pain of watching the film. This one is an opportunity lost. Even the brightest of ideas go in vain because of bad execution. Love Games is a classic example of it.
If you love games, stay away. After watching this one, you wouldn't come close to even board games.
Love Games is a good concept gone downhill with its exaggerated conclusion and ordinary performances by the leads. The movie fails to satisfy the thrill of sensuality as well as the romance.
Love Games is a game you would like to be involved in as it is a treat for erotica lovers. The lethal combination of sexual content and aggressive promotions will ensure a safe ride for the film.
Though the film has good production values, by the end of the first half, you can easily predict what is going to unfold on screen. Wonders don’t cease to surface in the second half. What the film lacks is the thrills and spills in the game
There is death, and destruction of a premise that could have been a wonderful thriller if only the whole movie had been handled with a little more finesse.
Overall, the film has sleek production values and, though frothy, it is a decent adult film.
Watch it if you found Bhatt’s previous films entertaining. He has only gone another level up with his style with Love Games.
Though it has some bold quotient, Love Games is quite traditional at heart. Every character has a justification about why they behave in that manner. Patralekha’s acting, a tight screenplay and editing are the highlights. Those who just want to pass time for a couple of hours won’t be disappointed with this one.
If you've seen films like the exquisite Dangerous Liaisons and the more mainstream Cruel Intentions, you'll find a striking resemblance with our film here. All these films delve in the love and lust sports played by people, often lacking love in their lives.
'Love Games' is a C Grade film trying hard to be cool (pitches itself as urban-thriller) making it worse for itself. If the whole point of giving us a truly adult film was to tom-tom the sexually expletive terms well, then what more can one say?