All Is Well Reviews and Ratings

Whoever named this film must have a great sense of black humour, because the only thing ‘well’ about the film is its title…
All Is Well spends two hours desperately tickling the audience but the overall impact is one of torture…
Actors compete with each other in bad acting. All Is Well is a rudderless film, to say the least. It’s excruciatingly painful to watch this film. I still can’t believe that Oh My God was helmed by the same director.
The illogical plot and buffoonish over-the-top characters might still have been forgiven if there were even a handful of laughs to be had. Instead, the journey is tiresome and utterly un-engaging, filled with tedious potty jibes, loud noises and hammy gesticulation.
For audiences that are disposed towards accepting the kind of climactic twists that All Is Well fabricates – the most ridiculous of which is saved for the very last – the film might pass muster as a one-time watch.
All Is Well lacks the cutting-edge sharpness or glittering depth of Umesh Shukla’s OMG. With its old-world feel, it’s not a cool cocktail but a teashop bun, dunked in sentimental tea. It could’ve been way better – but there’s some sweetness too in this simple treat.
…should never have been made and no one should have to sit through the travesty that it is. Avoid at all costs.
All Is Well is nothing short of a ride to hell. If you want to stay well, stay away from it.
All Is Well uses the tagline ‘All Is NOT Well’ while breaking for the intermission. That’s what is the matter with the entire film. Watch it only if you have nothing better to do.
All Is Well was supposed to be an entertainer with a social message, unfortunately it fails at both. Generation gaps causing problems in relationships also need logic to it and that is where All Is Well completely misses the point.
The script assumes that the intelligence of the audience is as low and as silly as proceedings in the film. It is hard to believe that it is the same Umesh Shukla who made the likable Oh My God earlier. Wish we could file an RTI and find out how and why this film got made.
…if you were a fan of OMG, be prepared to be majorly disappointed. A sappy melodrama, which even Indian TV reticently produces these days, has emerged as a full-fledged film to scare the living daylights out of you. Also did I mention that the film ends with a voice over that seems more apt for a Class 2 textbook on the subject: how to respect elders and its unlikely benefits?
Not that All Is Well is boring or offensive. It’s just so plain vanilla that for two hours you’re sitting in a chair waiting for something to shake you up. But that edge of the seat moment, just doesn’t arrive. You’re plonked firmly in the center and even Sonakshi Sinha’s gyrations in an item number do nothing to up your spirits. Miss this and you wouldn’t have missed an iota of entertainment.
his movie starts going consistently downhill from the first scene itself that you start wondering if the makers and the actors themselves gave up on making any sense, even while they were in the process of making it.
The ’90s humour is as tired and hackneyed as this entire enterprise.
Take our advice and the money spent on this weekend’s movie outing is perhaps best spent on charity instead. Believe us, you will be doing yourself a favour.
Growing up with parents who are constantly at each other’s throats isn’t easy. A child could deal with this situation by becoming an escapist who distances himself from the parents. But is that a solution? This is the premise — and a thoroughly interesting one — of Shukla’s All is Well. That’s the good part. And it ends there.
…all is clearly not well with All Is Well. With little to offer, it will fail to make its mark at the box-office. If it still manages to control the losses of the persons associated with it, it will be due to the handsome price it has fetched for the satellite rights (pre-sold).
…lacks depth and novelty in terms of the story and characterization.
Go and watch it only for the great actors who are in the film. All can be well, if you read this and then go for the ‘masala’ potboiler!
The story is so dull you wish for the interval to come soon in the first half and the end in the second half. Shukla takes us to the late 90s and early 2000 when Punjabis were stereotyped as loud, brash and gaudy.
Your ‘well’ness is in your hands. Watch it if you absolutely have to!
It’s perplexing how Umesh Shukla, who made the simple and entertaining OMG Oh My God!, could have come up with this sub-par deal. With comedy that’s more likely to make you cry, all is well in the movie’s finale, except the viewer’s state. Avoid!
In the form of story, we have a sour parent-child relationship. A full of himself dad and a thankless son make the perfect combination. But, they are too loud and they bicker – All. The. Time. The characters are pretty much insufferable. Not to mention, the movie tries way too hard to be funny and wraps it up with a sermon on importance of family. Doesn’t work one bit.
All is Well is the kind of film you want to show to that relative who assumes it’s easy to watch movies for a living.
The only good thing about the film is it ends in two hours (phew!). All is not well with All Is Well. Watch it at your own risk. Better still, wait for one of the bigger channels to announce the world TV premiere.
Not worth a penny! Sadly there is nothing great about the movie and so if weekend movie watch is a must, opt for Manjhi- The Mountain Man.
‘All Is Well’ fortunately is not a brainless comic caper but is a dramedy which is well worth your time and money. We are going for a two and a half stars for this one. Go, watch the film if you are dying to see Abhishek Bachchan on the silver screen after a long time and if you are looking for a drama with a tinge of comedy and atleast some brains in it.