Jab Harry Met Sejal Reviews and Ratings

Shah Rukh Khan breathes life into a character that could so easily have been a turn-off. His performance is one of the film’s few strengths. Despite the baffling, contradictory nature of Sejal, Anushka Sharma works hard to imbue her with genuine feeling. The two actors deserved a better film, and so did we.
Shah Rukh Khan breathes life into a character that could so easily have been a turn-off. His performance is one of the film’s few strengths. Despite the baffling, contradictory nature of Sejal, Anushka Sharma works hard to imbue her with genuine feeling. The two actors deserved a better film, and so did we.
‘Sweet si, ‘sister-type’ Sejal aka Anushka Sharma and the ‘chalu, chalta-hua, cheap’ Harry aka Shah Rukh Khan are much too fraternal with each other. We do see that fire, but much too briefly.
It’s a big disappointment to see Shah Rukh Khan returning to his comfort zone and yet not performing on top of his powers.
…it is nowhere close to an Imtiaz Ali film. Watch it only if you are an SRK fan or you want to see Europe for the worth of your ticket price.
Jab Harry Met Sejal has the stars, the songs, the scenery and everything you’d imagine in a love story.
But in the absence of soul, none of it really matters… -
The script is wafer-thin and it’s been done to death by none other than Imtiaz Ali in each of his earlier films—be it Jab We Met, Cocktail or the recent Tamasha. It’s the routine girl is engaged elsewhere story but she discovers half-way through the film that she is actually attracted to someone else.
The biggest letdown is Ali, who doesn’t even seem to be trying anymore. This is a film that feels like it was directed on auto-pilot and then left to its own devices.
JHMS is a one-time watch for Shah Rukh Khan and Anushka Sharma and their sizzling chemistry.
Jab Harry Met Sejal is a film where I wanted to give out few spoilers so you should read and go watch the film. But, I can’t. Take this as a sign and don’t miss this beautiful journey of life with Shah Rukh Khan and Anushka Sharma.
Despite the permanent sense of predictability Jab Harry Met Sejal works albeit only for the first half. The first 70 minutes are like the fun part of a holiday, when you are excited to discover and try new things.
This may be too simplistic for an Imtiaz Ali film but this one is a complete entertainer.
JHMS is a happy romantic comedy that you can sing and dance along with. Pritam’s music is a stand out feature. The performances are really strong. The film’s dramatic soul rests in Imtiaz Ali’s usual Sufi belief where the story and characters tell you that the universe transpires to make lovers meet. That what you’re looking for is looking for you. If romance excites you, this one’s got all the right notes.
…things are disappointingly lost in JAB HARRY MET SEJAL, the touted rom com turns out to be a bore com, romance goes surprisingly ‘Phurr’ along with director Imtiaz Ali in this flick.
A big disappointment for both the fans of Shah Rukh Khan and Imtiaz Ali.
They both need to think about what to do next. In separate rooms, please. -
Jab Harry Met Sejal is occasionally funny, but not half as funny or cute or ruminative as it clearly thinks it is. Hats off to Shah Rukh Khan and Anushka Sharma for managing to raise the Centigrades in this otherwise pakau disaster.
The plot of Jab Harry Met Sejal is just like the ring, the protagonists are searching for – lost. And not even Shah Rukh Khan can save this pointless jaunt through Europe.
Imtiaz seems to have settled into a comfort zone of his own. The cult of Ali the Incurable Romantic will only grow with films like these. But Ali the Director might need to branch out soon.
Jab Harry Met Sejal is also one of those films that has great music which shouldn’t have made it into the film. They reek of commercial considerations rather than having roots in the story. The wedding song and the lovely duet, both seem so forced that they might as well have just started singing and dancing instead of trying to mask them with excuses to make them a part of the film.
Engaging screenplays are hard to come by because an engaging screenplay needs a compelling conflict. While Ali’s previous works Highway, Rockstar, Jab We Met, Tamasha etc. while imperfect had conflicts, and dramatic and thematic elements that wove their characters together, Jab Harry Met Sejal is as flimsy as its conceit.
JHMS marks a thumping return to love at its most banal, hackneyed and exasperating. There is not much in the silly situations and trite conversations to get you invested or interested in the lovers. The two main characters themselves don’t seem to share that vital thing on screen called frisson
…the cinematography that highlights the beauty of a handful European countries is pleasing to watch. But we wish that all that energy and love was devoted to developing a cracking love story. Watch this film if you are strictly a Shah Rukh Khan or Anushka Sharma fan. Others will hesitate to put a ring on this romantic comedy.
…the trio of Imtiaz Ali, SRK and Anushka Sharma make Jab Harry Met Sejal a treat to watch… so make sure that you don’t listen to the naysayers!
Wish the script went beyond these one-liners and took us on a unique journey with a Geet or a Jordan instead of this been-there-done-that European tour.
Methinks the director requires a long holiday from work, learning the craft of making HINDI movies that connect with informed and aware entertainment-seekers of 2017 rather than with a few ‘yes-men’ or impressionable media critics that will not take the film anywhere.