Singh Is Bling Reviews and Ratings

…with all its faults, Singh is Bliing isn’t entirely unwatchable also because Akshay Kumar is in great form. He brings a manic energy to the comedy, infusing Raftaar Singh with goofiness and sheer likeability that stays till the end, long after the film has stopped being fun.
The only thing which saves it is that it wears its silliness proudly on its hero’s `pug’ ( turban), said hero smartly reworking his good-hearted simpleton who loves his mother and respects his father, and rescues his girl.
Prabhudheva’s Singh Is Bliing is a tiring, immature and half-hearted attempt at filmmaking. Devoid of story, characterisation and plots, this is torture in the name of comedy. Singh Is Bliing is absolutely unfunny.
I felt bad for the guy who asked me at the end of the film, “Why does Akshay Kumar wear folded trouser in one leg?” Poor guy. As if there’s logic to other things in the film. -
I watched most Singh is Bling recoiling from the screen despite the fact that Akshay Kumar’s comic timing is good and his big boy goofiness adorable. Problem is that he’s not a character. He’s just a cute composite of buffoonery. Akshay Kumar did Singh is Kinng. And he was very good. Give him a script. Challenge him a bit.
It’s the kind of laughable progressive where Akshay first elicits women empowerment (a forced afterthought in too many movies lately), gleefully watches his feisty heroine batter a bunch of baddies into pulp only to be downgraded into a powerless spectator watching her hero take down more men then Sunny Deol must have tackled in Gadar through its over-the-top, prolonged climax.
What is irretrievably amiss with the film is that nothing it says manages to drift anywhere near some degree of coherence.
This Singh is silly but cute and endearing. Do not miss his starry entry on the beats of a foot-tapping bhangra number Tung Tung Baje… Akshay Kumar, you are the dude.
Singh is Bliing has some genuinely funny moments and Lara Dutta brings a certain freshness to the film. Watch it if you’ve waited long enough for Akshay to play a Sardar again.
Akshay Kumar’s Singh Is Bliing is enjoyable in parts but as a whole it is not up-to the mark. It loses its bling over time and you are just left watching the silly antics of Mr. Singh.
Never lacking in energy, Kumar unleashes his Punjabi spirit and manages to pull off both the comedy and the action. But there is only so much one can accomplish from a story that is thinner than buttermilk.
SINGH IS BLIING is a slapstick comedy that offers paisa-vasool entertainment. Surely a ‘must-watch’ for this long weekend.
To be fair to Akshay Kumar, he puts his best foot forward and pulls off some scenes admirably. But otherwise what can you say of a film that has songs with lyrics like “My heart says chu che chu che che.” I’d rather hear the neighborhood dogs howl.
Don’t buy the tickets with a will to see another Citizen Kate. Watch the film if you like cornball comedies. If you are into leave you brains behind kind of goofiness, then you might get your Rosebud moment…
This is an out and out Akshay Kumar film. No surprise there. And the actor, whose comic timing is already established, is in his element here. Amy Jackson’s easy and very pleasant presence adds to the film. She is fantastic when she’s kicking ass and other body parts of bad men who cross her path. This is a fun, one-time watch.
For that infectious grin that lights up the screen every time Akshay’s Rafaar is happy –and he is happy most of the time—Singh Is Bling is worth a dekko.Rowdier than RathodAkshay’s Raftaar Singh is gloriously goofy and a great deal of fun to watch.Never mind the logistics. The fun never wanes.
‘Singh is Bling’ is a movie that tries too hard to impress, but never does. It’s the kind of movie that gets sucked in its own idiosyncrasies but fails to involve, let alone tickle, its audience. It’s the kind of movie where fat women are mocked at, while the thin girls are taught peculiar lessons on women’s empowerment. It’s the kind of movie where song and dance are key, the jokes incidental, and the acting abysmal.
That said, there isn’t much by way of a plot or storytelling in this film. It’s essentially a set of well-written comic sketches, featuring recurring characters. There’s nothing evolved or sophisticated about this film, but that doesn’t mean it’s not worth a watch. Singh is Bliing is — and it might be just what the doctor ordered to lift your spirits after watching Talvar.
Singh is Bliing is one of those films you could watch, only the first half of, if you are completely out of choice. But when you do have better choices in the same week, why bother?
Prabhudheva’s SIB sure packs a punch but for those who are looking for a great Punjabi tadka ride. But for those looking for essence and story, well, the long and short of it is, there’s no story.
Singh is Bliing is a stressbuster. If you want to enjoy a mindless comedy this weekend, Singh is Bliing is undoubtedly your best bet. Watch it for the great performances, the comic situations and the mind-blowing action!
The movie drags on through illogical dialogues, pathetically so-called hilarious sequences, sickening female jokes, out-of-the-blue nonsensical dance song-and-dance items, missing story….. All this is only bliing, bliing, bliing, but when one thinks about the logical side, as a whole it’s just poor fling, fling, fling…. It may impress the front benchers or the rural crowd. But this Singh’s Bliing will make others yawn…
Singh is Bliing is entertaining if you don’t go expecting evolved humour. Some really funny scenes with Lara Dutta and Akshay Kumar make this film engaging and watchable.
With its lame script and tiresome gags, you’ll forget Singh Is Bliing within seconds of leaving the cinema.
Singh Is Bliing will not impress you if you take your brains inside the theaters. Keep them out of it, you will happily enjoy the laugh riot.
Ultimately the film is about a bumbling village guy, making it big in the city, and scoring with a “gori mem”. Watch it if songs like Choon Chan is your idea of music. Watch it if you can forgive seeing much-loved stars reduced to playing stereotypical roles. Watch it if you want Bollywood to be stuck in a pathetic time-warp!
More moronic than mahaan, Akshay’s comic timing saves the day.
If you are a sucker for slapstick comedy expecting nothing more than a bunch of goofy grins than it’s your movie.
Painfully trashy, Singh is Bliing is a travesty of a movie that reduces comedy to a poor joke.
I would rather poke myself in the eye with a blunt knife (REPEATEDLY) than watch any Prabhu Deva film ever again. Trust me that will be a breeze in front of this nonsense that spools out mercilessly for three hours.
In all, Singh is Bliing is a much better outing, compared to Prabhu’s recent disasters like Action Jackson and Rajkumar, thanks to the lead pair. If you are someone who enjoys mindless comedy then you ought to enjoy it even more. Switch off your brains for some harmless fun.
‘”Singh is Bling'”. Indeed it is. The film is flashy, colourful and ostentatious from word go. But that’s all there is to it. There is not much of a story anywhere.