Teraa Surroor Reviews and Ratings

Neither suspenseful in its execution of the escape, nor in the big reveal of the mastermind behind Raghu’s problems, the film seems to exist for no other purpose than to showcase Himesh and his limited talent.
The focus stays firmly on Himesh, who remains blank-faced through it all, never cracking a single smile, not even when he is with his girl. All in tons of slo mo, alternating with dizzying camera angles. All drowned in loud background music.
Teraa Surroor’s music is its biggest attraction, provided you’re a Himesh fan like me. The first half keeps featuring one song after another and you feel blessed. But then comes the interval, following which the movie turns into an illogical chase that ends nowhere. Even the movie’s glossy cinematography and sleek editing couldn’t be of much help.
Himesh Reshammiya has tried hard, but it’s still not working for him. -
What holds strong in the film is the interaction between Raghu and Robin (Naseeruddin Shah) which actually gets the film back on track. Naseeruddin’s role is short but pivotal and as always leaves a mark with his powerful performance.
If watching a 100-something minutes long music video starring a deadpan, poor man’s Sunil Shetty strutting self-importantly in Salman’s hand-me-down is your kind of entertainment, book your ticket RIGHT NOW.
Does Teraa Surroor have any redeeming feature at all? Well, the length is a bit of a relief. The film’s runtime is 15 minutes under two hours. So, it isn’t as patience-trying as it otherwise might have been.
On paper, Teraa Surroor sounds like an edge-of-the-seat action thriller. However, the execution is far from it. Instead of mounting tension, which is crucial for this genre, the film is inundated with umpteen songs and romantic flashbacks that eventually kill the pace and continuity. The use and abuse of infinite Slowmo sequences is another issue.
Watch the movie only if you are a Himesh fan or if you like watching movies that are unintentionally funny.
Barring a few whistle-worthy scenes which amp up Reshammiya’s quest to take himself seriously so much so that it borders on hilarious, there is nothing remotely engaging about this very listless love story. Kapur sums it up with his apt line: “I hate love stories.”
Himesh Reshamiya’s Teraa Surroor is more like ‘Terror Surroor’…
…is aimed at Himesh Reshammiya’s fans who may want to go and patronize the movie. The pragmatic economics (cost recovery through the sale of music, satellite and other rights), no opposition and the multitude of Himesh Reshammiya’s fans will ensure it will sail to safety at the Box Office.
The USP of Himesh starrers was their music but he’s been very patchy here. It’s unnecessarily loud and not up to his top notch standards and jars with the narration. All-in-all, Teraa Surroor is strictly for diehard Himesh fans. Let’s hope for his sake that he manages to find enough of them…
If you love the Himesh brand of music, good action with a decent plot that engages you till the end, TERAA SUROOR is not a bad option this week.
Even the title doesn’t hold up, in relation with the film. ‘Suroor’ is Urdu for joy, and there is none to be found in this movie. Now, if only there were an Urdu word that sounded just like it and meant ‘vanity’.
The script holds a lot of interest but the patchy, amateur execution kills it. In his attempt to give it a Hollywood thriller kind of treatment, debutant director Shawn Arranha goes haywire with the camera angles and shots, and never finds his foothold back. What he ends up delivering is a lot of unintentional amusement — nowhere close to the ‘stylish’ film it is intended to be.
Go with zero expectations and I promise you,will surprise you. More than anything else, it’s a very good-looking film.And I don’t mean the cast where admittedly, we have some suave, dapper and just plain interesting faces lending a gravitas to the Alistair MacLean brand of thrills, you know the sort where one smart-aleck played by the one and only Himesh Reshammiya takes on the entire police force of Dublin and—guess what?—emerges a winner.
Allow me to summon up my inner Arundhati Roy for an appropriate simile to describe Teraa Surroor: this film is as flat as Farah Karimi’s enviably slim waist, as bland as Maggi Noodles without the Tastemaker and as pointless in its existence as the human appendix.
A moment of silence please, to honour the bravery of those who made Teraa Surroor. -
Overall, if you had made Teraa Surroor, it would have been a better film. For now, we simply have to accept that it is a terrible waste of the producers’ and your money. Stay at home and watch Netflix instead!
The trailer you watched is far superior to what you watched for two hours. Everything happens so slowly, you want to take the hero’s gun (he’s just posing with it!) and shoot yourself with it, or at least someone in the movie just to get a reaction from them.
Reshammiya is definitely in his best shape yes, in this film with a ripped six-pack. While the performances of the leads could have been better, the film shines with its music, something which is undoubtedly Reshammiya’s strong suit and the songs are worth a listen. The glass shattering and bullet swooshing actions scenes coupled with Raghu’s badass moves keep you hooked to your seat.
Teraa Surroor delivers as a true Himesh Reshammiya film. It is a typical masala entertainer with some great music. If you liked Aap Ka Suroor, then Teraa Surroor definitely won’t disappoint.
All of Reshammiya’s films lie somewhere on the spectrum from so-bad-it’s-good to so-bad-you-want-to-gouge-your-eyes-out. Teraa Surroor has its moments of campy fun…
This film is an experience. And strictly meant only for Himesh Reshammiya and fans.
There’s utter disregard for cohesive and transitional logic throughout, and you start to feel like you’re in the middle of a nightmare brought on by a bad case of indigestion – you’re in pain, it’s all very confusing, but you can’t wake up.
No compelling cinema here, just an out and out guilty pleasure that requires a huge suspension of disbelief to go with the flow.
Teraa Surroor, in simple words, is a true Himesh film made for his crazy fans. You will definitely love the songs of the film and the beautiful locations in the movie are a treat to your eyes.
Teraa Surroor is strictly for Himesh Reshammiya fans. There is little else in this 106-minute film that might be worth the price of a trip to the multiplex.
Watch it if you need some comedy on a weekend. When you are in some desperate need for laughs, unintentional humour can provide you bucketfuls of it…unadulterated. Get some beer and friends to go with it.
Reshammiya’s fans will appreciate the corny dialogue by Natasha Ramsay, the slow-motion action sequences in which our hero sends criminals flying through conveniently located glass panes, and his newly chiseled body. Whatever the view on Reshammiya and his unrelenting attempts to be regarded as an actor, there is no doubt that he is the biggest sport in Bollywood. Perhaps no other actor tries so hard to live up to the criticism, and succeeds every time.
A short masala entertainer does’t hurt anyone. Go for it, not for the content but just some time pass.
This one’s definitely worth a watch for addicts of slick thrillers, and the flaws are not so serious in the larger picture. For Reshammiya fans, this is a bonanza, as he lords it as an actor, singer and composer.