Fugly Reviews and Ratings

A silly, hackneyed rehash that lives up to the title.
Jimmy Sheirgill as the bad cop pulls it off impressively while the rest are just about so-so.
So here’s another film that is well intended but squanders an opportunity. -
The film’s songs are a hit but you don’t need to go to theatres to listen to them. If you are a die hard fan of Haryanvi humour, youth appeal and young face then only go for this movie otherwise sit at home and ask “Ye Fugly Fugly Kya Hai”.
Light on top and substantial underneath, this is the Rang De Basanti of the post-Modi era. Thoughtful and at times brilliant, it tells us a great deal about the state of a culture and people searching for reasons to keep the spirit of nationalism alive as self-serving corruption grown all around us.
There will come a day when an ambitious filmmaker decides to raise awareness in a focused, entertaining and constructive manner, but that day isn’t today. F*ugly is more of a fight for all that is ugly, than against it.
In trying to be candid, the language becomes crass. In trying to be funny, the emotions feel manufactured. And the fresh cast seems to have been chosen only on the basis of look test.
If anything, it works for him unwittingly in the stray comic scenes.
Fugly could have been a better film but in spite of its noble Rang De Basanti intentions it is nothing but frubbish.
Watch Fugly only if you are up for some light reading this weekend.
The basic plot is promising but then it is filled with so many loopholes that one wishes that the writers had concentrated on filling them instead of trying to cram in as many crude “Haryanvi” type of jokes into the script as possible.
Yet another, “let’s fight the system” film. This one takes on way too much and takes way too much time to express itself too.
For the uninitiated, the term Fugly was born online. It’s a witty of the f word and ugly. Put together they denote something more than just not-pretty, something that is repulsive. But the word has a zestful pun. It’s almost always used with a fun connotation. To use it to describe real scenarios and life-altering themes is to perhaps employ mix metaphors.
The film starts as an arresting concept, but that sadly hasn’t been realized to its potential.
Fugly is a disappointing and an ordinary fare with very little entertainment value. It has some chance in the big cities only because of the youthful appeal of its title and music. Its low budget is its biggest plus point.
In the end it’s neither thrilling nor stirring. Just a wasted opportunity.
Now that’s what I call Fugly. Despite the good intentions, this one is a misguided mess.
‘F*UGLY* begins with a hint of promise, and it could have gone down some paths less travelled. But it meanders, and loses its way.
The result is like a soggy Delhi chaat where potentially spicy ingredients make a sorry mess. As F*ugly would phrase it, quite a f*waste.
Fugly is faux-righteous, and the punctured script makes it silly, pretentious and technically wanting. The acting too is extremely patchy. The four newcomers are unable to bring any depth to the poorly-etched characters that pay lip service to headlines and social networking-driven angst.
The only interesting part is when Sadanand tries to push in the patriotic angle. But that is like a desperate attempt to stay afloat after entering deep waters without a life jacket!
Take off Jimmy Sheirgill and the movie loses respectability. It’s like taking the ‘F’ out of Fugly!
Fugly disappoints. The first half is still passable but the second half loses way completely. The screenplay could have done better with use of some logic. This a film that the director will have to take the fall for.
Fugly must mean trash because I couldn’t find anything better in the film. A film devoid of soul, this movie will leave you mind-fuglied and I assure you that’s a state hard to overcome. I sat through the film in the hope of drooling at Akshay Kumar and Salman Khan’s gorgeous faces in the much hyped song but alas the film doesn’t allow us a single pleasure. I can’t bring myself to give any stars. It was too dumb and doomed to deserve anything.
Fugly can’t, in all good conscience, be called an actual movie — but it is the most appropriately titled mess of all time.
Like many a Bollywood flick that has gone before, Fugly is about a quartet of well-meaning pals presumably fresh from college and in quest of a meaningful future.
One of them is the strong and brooding type (Mohit Marwah) who runs adventure camps for foreign tourists in Leh. For all its pious posturing on the safety of women, Fugly has no qualms about treating the lead actress merely as eye candy. -
FUGLY is relatable that portrays several episodes that mirror the realities and the problems the youth encounter in the present times. A decent entertainer!
It’s very rare that I go into a theatre without the least expectations and come out smiling. Fugly is one of those rare moments. Jimmy Shergill shines, while others please in this socially relevant film.
The odd title is just one of the many negatives in this unimaginative attempt at a political thriller