Bang Bang! Reviews and Ratings

The film then isn’t unwatchable, but at 2 hours and 35 minutes, it certainly tests your patience. How many times have you ordered a dish that looks terrific photographed in a menu, but disappoints when it shows up on the table? Bang Bang is that kind of meal.
Hrithik is the film’s eye candy and the prime shooter, all rolled into one, and gives you some amount of bang. The rest is burble.
This is a stupid, stupid film trying to be slick, a B-grade film made on an A-list budget.
Bang Bang is one such film, where the lead actor looks engrossed and too careful about creating a brand image. He believes whatever he is doing is going to be applauded by the audience.
It’s also like that biscuit ad where everybody is running after a truck. The actors look perplexed but the brand somehow remains in the memory. The postcard images and toned physiques may help the audience in brand recall, but without any value.
Bang Bang is strictly for Hrithik Roshan fans and for those that do not want an action flick to be anything more than just that.
Carry your ipod, put on your ear phones, enjoy the music and simply let your eyes feast on the Greek God on screen.
If your idea of a fun film is watching two good looking stars running around senselessly for two hours and thirty minutes then go and watch Bang Bang.
The makers have put in a lot of money. Is it wasted or well spent, only time will tell. I would suggest you save your hard earned money and watch Bang Bang on TV someday soon.
Bang Bang is a plain film that is mounted on a breathtaking canvas and remains steady at the superficial level only. Low on logic and more on frills and airs, the best thing about Bang Bang is Hrithik Roshan. He sincerely drives the film with his swagger and hot bod droolworthy looks, with Katrina aiding him with her cutesy innocence. But the lack of inventiveness in Bang Bang irks me. When I am done with ogling at the stunts and stars, I have nothing to remember it by.
Both the lead characters are not in their element- Katrina was not exactly Meryl Streep to begin with but she is embarrassing in some scenes. Hrithik also looks like someone who is not particularly interested or convinced in the proceedings. It would be fair to say that the stuntman did more work than him in the film. In one word, this film is avoidable.
ANG BANG is such intelligent madness that it will make you cringe in your seat. Apparently, it’s supposed to be a remake of the Tom Cruise-Cameroon Diaz starrer Knight and Day. I’m sure the writers (three of them) could have done a better cut-paste job. Copy karna toh itna mushkil to nahi hai!
Bang Bang is a string of scenes as unexplainable as the one before it. From the get go you’re confused and even once the film concludes you’re not quite sure what happened in that final hospital scene. Did he just quit his job, did they betray him or is he just taking a hiatus? By that time your brain is numb and your care factor is zero. I wouldn’t call Bang Bang unwatchable but it sure as hell comes pretty close.
Bang Bang gets the boredom quotient bang-on. The rest is all noise and fury about a diamond, Kohinoor no less, stolen from a British museum. The way the thief carries the precious ‘diamond’(which looks like a paperweight) around in his pocket goes to show how little a certain group of filmmakers respect the audiences’ intellect.
Bang Bang is an amalgam of exotic locations, power-packed action and good looking actors. If that’s enough good for you, if you are still looking for the story hit the next screen and watch Haider.
No logic here! Watch it if you want to see amazing action, or you are a fan of Hrithik Roshan.
If the reasons above to sit through over 150 minutes of this movie are good enough for you, feel free to bang your head against the seat in the front.
Overall, ‘Bang Bang’ is a complete let down. The film has nothing really to offer expect some breath-taking action sequences and a sizzling hot chemistry between Hrithik and Katrina.
Watch the film only if you are a fan of either of the two actors!
If no logic and only fun infused with dhamakedaar action is your motto, then Bang Bang! is the perfect movie choice. And all you die-hard Hrithik fans, head to the nearest theatre and ogle at his finely chiseled body. Also, if Bollywood’s Barbie – Katrina is your favorite actress, do watch this film to enjoy her cute, innocent character. But remember to overlook the acting element. Else you might leave the cinema hall feeling disappointed. Go Bang Bang! this weekend.
But the film ends as badly as it started, saved by the lead actors-cavorting-in sexy wear song at the end credits. Most people hung around for that and left swooning about the beauty of the lead actors. If you’re content doing that, plus enjoying a few over-the-top stunts, book your ticket.
I can’t completely put the film down. At least, true-blue action stunts are being attempted. They might not have been executed well, but hopefully it will get better with the next film or the next. Meanwhile, though this is meant for some other long weekend, one which has the film running on TV with the luxury of flipping channels.
Bang Bang is one of the breezier Hindi-language action packages of recent times, but that really isn’t saying much. The bar, albeit sparkly, still remains at the same desensitized height. It can best be described by my first answer when asked how the film was – ‘Houseful’.