Singham Returns Reviews and Ratings

At 2 hours and 22 minutes, ‘Singham Returns’ feels long and occasionally plodding. There are some nice scenes that inspire police pride, but the predictable story tires you out eventually.
The sequel to ‘Singham’ is chock-full of the usual car-on-jeep action. Explosions go off at regular intervals. Shoot-outs—one really well-shot– occur frequently.
The action is daft-but-enjoyable in the beginning but soon gets repetitive, no thanks to the audience forced to plug up ears with their fingers.
The weakest link is the tedious romantic angle between Ajay and Kareena Kapoor, who plays his gluttonous girlfriend. Kareena’s beauty is startling, but here she’s not even attempting to act. Despite these soft spots, Ajay keeps the film moving. I was cheering for Singham, but ultimately his solutions are downright dangerous. I don’t want to tell you what happens, but it made me very uneasy.
The audience mostly wants action as well as comedy in a Rohit Shetty film. Sadly, Singham did not return with a bang.
It’s one big déjà vu.
A few goofy dialogues coming at an unprecedented time from the least expected people may take you through till end – if you hadn’t already given up at the point where the baba pours himself a drink before choking a devotee to death, that is.
Singham Returns offers quite a bit to whistle about with its steady supply of straightforward action and a hot-headed hero who delivers a punch with a fist and a line…
Singham Returns has a fair sprinkling of angry wisecracks that might draw spontaneous whistles and loud claps from those that love violent fights to the finish.
One can only hope that this is indeed the end, and another sequel isn’t lurking in the future.
Shetty’s cracked the pulse of the masses as he brazenly plays to the galleries. While the story itself plays it safe (too basic and predictable), the action is risky and rousing. Also packing a social message and feeding action lovers with raw ‘meat and bones’. It’s riddled with cliches and the length needs a good edit. But overall, it provides entertainment for enthusiasts of ‘Singham’ brand of cinema.
If you are a Singham fan, you’ll enjoy this one too.
The dream team of Rohit Shetty and Ajay Devgn delivers a good entertainer. It’s for fans of brand Singham and I’m sure they are all out there in large numbers.
Singham Returns doesn’t match up to Singham and that is the failure of this franchise venture. It is definitely a very watchable film with Ajay putting in his best foot forward in a role that brings out his caliber to the fullest but for those who are expecting a Rohit Shetty fun watch, this film is neither immensely entertaining or superbly enjoyable. The action doesn’t offer anything new and the drama is too superficial for my taste. It is just about average and that too only for its lead man whose swagger rules the show in this one.
Stronger writing could still have redeemed the plot but Singham Returns moves from a laboured first half to a lifeless second. Sporadic shots at drama are drowned by the film’s preachy tone. No attempt is made to understand just what the black money problem is all about. Rohit Shetty better stick to making nonsensical films. They sure make more sense than his sensible ones.
Be that as it may, the film fails to match up to the original. Where Singham meant solid action and sound comedy, Singham returns is action, yes, but the comedy here fails to impress.
Singham Returns has enough one liners and ample maar-dhaad, choreographed stunningly for all those who loved Singham. If you are looking for anything more you will be disappointed.
SINGHAM RETURNS is a complete mass entertainer with power-packed drama, hi-intensity dialogue and towering performances as its aces. The brand value attached to it coupled with a long weekend will help the film reap a harvest and rule the box-office in days to come. A sure-shot WINNER!
On the whole Singham Returns has its moment and those who know what to expect from it won’t be disappointed.
Rohit Shetty has latched on to the craft of filmmaking and given us a great entertainer. The climax of the film is never-seen-before. It’s good to see a young filmmaker trying to innovate and make films as much with the head as with the heart. For once a film deserves to be a blockbuster.
The first half is slick… pure entertainment, the second half, towards the fag end, loses a wee-bit of its kick.
Nevertheless, for a citizen dreaming of a nation free of corruption, honest police officers and the end of politicians who suck blood, a visit to the multiplex will give you that feel… So what if it is only for 142 minutes!!!
You can blow up a million sumos, picturise ever fighting scene with real lions and scream “Now I’ve lost it” in every language you can muster. At the end of Independence Day, its Bajirao Singham action that will do the Koli dance to the box office tune. Not the critics.
Watch it if you are an action junkie or an Ajay Devgn fan.
The self-awarded 4 stars on its poster notwithstanding Singham Returns delivers quite punch-filled sequel to the cops-and-politicians game plan Shetty and Devgn had assembled in the original Singhammovie.
Everything is brighter bouncier and more urgent. There are speeding vehicles and hurling invectives, seedy politicians and morally ambivalent mediapersons who may or may not be the nation’s conscience-keepers of the nation.
Singham Returns is for people who are die-hard fans of Rohit Shetty and his action sequences.
It’s all about unintentional comedy and a convoluted philosophy over “give-and-take” that Rohit Shetty flaunts in his rather confused action-thriller…
Singham Returns is either a solid injection of boredom or a pain as severe as getting your pecker stuck in the zip and screaming Ata maajhi atakli. Choose wisely.
…is entertainment to the fullest. It will turn out to be a huge hit. It may not be as memorable a film as Singham but it is, nevertheless, an immensely entertaining film and its business will be far, far more than that of Singham. It will definitely prove to be the highest-grossing film of Ajay Devgan’s career so far. Business in Maharashtra will be simply stupendous!
Singham Returns is a proof the director’s vision. He deserves all the cheers. Watch it for all the entertainment that Rohit Shetty can bring into a film. From blowing cars, to dialogues to hilarious moments this one has all. My personal favourite – a scene where Kareena suddenly gets famous and a restaurant manager asks for a selfie. You cannot not enjoy Singham Returns.
The plot rumbles with action of seismic proportions, shot grandly in signature Shetty style – high-voltage stunts, death-defying combats, men and machines bursting into flames – served bloody, gritty and unadulterated.
Singham Returns is an average film backed by good performances and action. Spending money on this Rohit Shetty’s film will not give you heartburns. But do keep your expectations in check. Those who loved Singham are likely to enjoy his return on the big screen.
Films that are so meticulously designed to become a hit, more often than not, hit your head really hard. This picture is not an exception in that sense.
You know the actual content will be the filler between stunts involving somersaults and rubbing salt on open wounds, or as in this case, literally shooting at the villains’ bums. So you sit back, push some cotton wool into your ears and ideally wear a helmet to protect the precious space between the ears, because so many guns firing at the same time can drill a serious hole in your head. If that suits you fine, go ahead then, drill a hole in your wallet as well.
Overall, `Singham Returns` is a depiction of power-play and dirty politics which meddles in the way of dutiful Mumbai Police, but only to be met with an end like that of Swamiji and Prakash Rao. Actor Ajay Devgn shines as a tough cop and we do like his way of `encountering` the culprits. For `Singham` fans, here is a bonus for you and a good way to celebrate independence day. Thumbs up for this film—else `Ata Majhi Satakli`!
Bajirao Singham. If you love masala movies, Singham Returns makes for a perfect watch over this long weekend. There is Comedy, Action, dialoguebaazi and yes, Dayashankar of CID. Watch out for the part when Bajirao Singham shouts out “Daya darwaza tod do”.
Adding action packed, raw and roaring glory to the immensely popular brand ‘Singham’ story, ‘Singham Returns’ to roar bigger and better. ‘Roar’ (go for it).
While Singham Returns is a must watch for every Rohit Shetty fan as the director dishes out a typical masala film, the ones who look for emotional connection with films may stay away from this Independence Day release. Watch it if you have nothing else to do this weekend.
A vigilante movie that smartly lands its punches and punch dialogue is well suited to provide unreal solutions to very real problems, but Shetty also wants to change the world, one car blow-up at a time. In between the runs-in with thugs and masked gun-men, there are pleas for a better tomorrow, candle-light vigils and speeches to the media to behave.
This is a Rohit Shetty film, and that should be a genre in itself. You’ll get a film full of violence and a simplistic plot, that’s still watchable (even entertaining at times) for the actors, the few moments of genuine conflict and romance, and the earnest representation of the hero’s angst. Worth a watch, if you can be patient with the trappings of a formula film.
It is a Rohit Shetty film, that is a little less like a Rohit Shetty film, because it is actually trying to make sense while trying to keep what one expects from a Rohit Shetty film alive. Fortunately, more of the earlier than latter.
Singham Returns, with its kitsch, hyperbole and melodrama, is a smartly-made film, where the manipulation is apparent, but not always a put-off. Unabashed pulp can be fun too.
I yearn to see Rohit Shetty step out of his booby-trapped comfort zone and attempt something different, because his brand of entertainment leaves no scope for evolution. With ‘Singham Returns’, the wait continues.
Singham returns with more shine than substance …
Rohit Shetty’s cleverest moment comes when his hero after having witnessed the most expensive SUVs turn to ashes, has a humble, kind of apologetic tiny personal car, thus subtly highlighting his clean conscience. The rest of the film is not so subtle.
Devgn and Shetty should be able to score decently at the box office. Don’t forget this is a film and not real life and don’t question the sequence of events that take place if you want to enjoy it.